
About the copyright notice on the first page…

Home Forums Windstone Editions Ask Melody About the copyright notice on the first page…

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        The painting of Windstone pieces is also a copyright protected feature including the use of gold highlights on the scales and wings of our dragons and the use of color dot patterns on the bodies.

        Does this mean that we are not allowed to paint gold onto our dragons or paint individual scales different colors??


          Pam Thompson wrote:


          The painting of Windstone pieces is also a copyright protected feature including the use of gold highlights on the scales and wings of our dragons and the use of color dot patterns on the bodies.

          Does this mean that we are not allowed to paint gold onto our dragons or paint individual scales different colors??

          We are all waiting on an answer to the gold highlights. We wont know till Melody gets back, but they are going to clarify for us.


            I posted this in a few different threads (So I apologize for the repeat) but I am working on getting a clarification from John- they are out of town right now though so the response may be slow. Sorry for the inconvenience!

            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
            My art: featherdust.com


              Ok, sorry if that has been answered before in other topics… I thought it might be but I couldn’t ever find it anywhere.

              Ski, where did that pink dragon in your sig come from?!


              That’s a Photoshop creation from Whippet.


                Pam Thompson wrote:

                Ok, sorry if that has been answered before in other topics… I thought it might be but I couldn’t ever find it anywhere.

                Ski, where did that pink dragon in your sig come from?!

                Check out the topic under General WIndstone. Whippet is making them! You may have found it by now…

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