A word about content

Home Forums Miscellany Community A word about content

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  • #725822

      Just some things to think about in regard to the content of this forum.

      What we are:

      – A forum for discussing Windstone and all things related
      – A close knit group of friends that likes to chat about non-Windstone stuff sometimes too
      – Family friendly, always
      – A place for having fun, and hopefully getting away from some of the daily worries of life to chat amongst other collectors.
      – A privately owned and hosted site that can and does control content if it is deemed undesirable.

      What we are not:

      – A personal blog/journal site (talking about yourself is okay! A new topic about yourself every day might be pushing the line though- and this is NOT aimed at anyone)
      – A place for political, religious, or highly controversial issues. Warning others about a genuine, verified risk is one thing (e.g. ‘be careful of phishing scams!’) but it is another to bring a controversial issue to the table and expect it not to get hot in here. Keep said issues either on forums elsewhere made for debate, or for your journal. Or, you know… the dinner table, if you family likes that sort of thing.
      – A place to share anything adult- from simple jokes to ‘too much information’ stories. Let’s keep it family friendly.
      – A place for genuine legal, medical, or medicinal advice (for you OR a pet). Your Doctor/ Vet/ Lawyer should be hearing from you first, not us.

      Here is some information that has been in the Announcements thread. I know that not everyone looks there, so I’ll repeat it here:

      Hi guys! I hate to impose new rules- I prefer the type of moderation where I can sit back with a smile and let you guys have fun till the cows come home! But, as the forum grows and more people join, these are some things that I’d like everyone to keep in mind.

        + Harassment, either in the public forum or in private messages, is not tolerated. Please see this announcement for more information. Proof of harassment will result in a warning, and then further discipline (up to and including banning).

        + Topics that are highly controversial should be kept to a minimum. The two big ones are religion and politics. Civil debate is okay, but nearly always these topics turn sour, since things that rely on personal belief can vary so drastically from one individual to another.

        + The Windstone forums are never, never a place to turn to for genuine legal council. If you are having a genuine legal problem, it is never recommended that you discuss it in public (and in some cases might be illegal to do so!). If you are having a problem, seek a lawyer, the police, an investigator, or whomever the appropriate party is. Just don’t seek us. We can’t help you and in most cases I’ll have to moderate the post as it can cause a plethora of problems.

        + This is not the place to go for advice in an emergency. If your pet is very ill, or your child is bleeding, or some other time-sensitive emergency is occurring in your life- this is not the place! Keep important numbers close (emergency vet, your doctor, the emergency room, the police… etc) and deal with your emergency. Once it has passed, you are welcome to come here and talk to us, but never use the forum as a place to turn in an emergency! No one here is qualified to deal with such issues and when time is crucial, getting the wrong info from someone who is only trying to help but has bad information can be really, really bad.

        + On a similar note, no one here is your doctor or veterinarian. If you are having health or pet problems, you are welcome to discuss them, but the advice you might find here should never replace that of your doctor or vet! If something is ‘wrong’ enough with your health or your pet’s health, please do yourself (or your pet) a favor and see an appropriate doctor that is licensed to help you. If you have to ask the question “My pet/son/grandmother is sick, help! What do I do?” then you should already be on your way to a vet/doctor (or at least calling them), not asking here! Look up the phone numbers to your local doctors, emergency rooms, veterinarians, emergency vets, and wildlife rehab centers ahead of time so you will have them if you need them.

        + That’s TMI! Or, “Too Much Information!”. Let’s keep actual “TMI” posting to a minimum. Jokes are okay, but what you did in the bathroom last night probably doesn’t need to be said. Also remember to keep things PG-13 or lower! This is a public forum- anyone (and I do mean anyone!) on the internet can see what you write here. If you wouldn’t stand up with a loudspeaker in front of thousands of people or your grandmother and say it, then don’t say it here!

        + Calling someone out. Well, this is a problem. On one hand, if someone is genuinely ripping others off, you want to let others know. On the other hand, this is a very conditional thing, as we’ve seen in the past. I ask that if you are having problems with someone and you want to issue a warning, please contact John (john@windstoneeiditons.com) first. I’ve noticed that nine out of ten times, these things can be resolved in private. If things don’t work out and there is proof that someone is worth writing a warning about, we will take it from there. The only problem is that it is complicated for us, legally. That’s why I need to say that any and all transactions completed with other members (or anyone, anywhere) are between you and that other member, and Windstone can’t be responsible for any of it!
        Also, there is a problem with warning about eBay sellers. See, Windstone is an eBay seller too and it could mean trouble for Windstone if another seller thinks that we are trying to discourage sales with that other seller!! Not good. Mentioning “Hey, I got a smoke-smelling piece from this member, just so you know” is okay, but even then if there is a complaint we might have to remove it. Please understand this is to prevent legal problems- we are not tying to silence anyone.

        Remember, this is not eBay. We are not a feedback Forum.

        + PG-13 (and lower), and public. That’s us! We do have younger members here, and as always everything you post is public. Anyone can read it. Posts that are adult in nature or are something you don’t want the world to know? Keep ’em to places such as blog sites where you can make things more private. Don’t come here with a hot head and post something you’ll regret!! As I’ve said before, when typing, consider this: Would you stand up in front of a crowd of thousands and a news crew that will record it and say what you are typing over a loudspeaker? Remember, friends, family- anyone can read here. USe the Golden Rule.

      I know that life is not rainbows puppies and glitter. I also don’t like deleting, modifying and altering posts. Let’s keep it clean, let’s keep it family friendly, and lets keep the debates somewhere else. Have fun here. 🙂

      Again, I want to emphasize family friendly. If it’s something you wouldn’t talk to a young child about, it does not belong here.


      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
      My art: featherdust.com


        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
        My art: featherdust.com


        Very well put
        Thank You
        Saves me the trouble of PMing you about one or two things I was questioning
        😉 😀


          My son reads over my shoulder a lot of times when I’m browsing the forum. He loves Caturday, Fail and anything about Poads. Family friendly works best for me too. 😉


            Same here! The boys are constantly over my shoulder when I’m here… 😀



              Ditto that… 😀


              Thanks for making this a sticky, Jennifer. I know I could use the reminder.


              I tend to forget there could be young eyes on the forum… 😳


              I attempt to keep it family friendly. If I post a link to something I wouldn’t want my kids seeing (if I had them) I try to remember to warn about adult content, so if you don’t want your kids to see it, don’t click.

              Is that okay? I don’t do it often (if I ever have, I don’t remember) but I could use the clarification.


                Even old eyes can get offended. If you have a funny but NSFW (not safe for work) picture, you can link it, just don’t display it.

                In other words, mark it clearly as NSFW and use the [ url ] tag and not the [ img ] tags.


                  A Friendly Reminder to all:

                  We are all human, we all have emotions. Sometimes those emotions run strong and get the better of us… we say things we don’t mean, or make a heated post when it might not be warranted. This I do understand and we all make mistakes!

                  That said, no one can be responsible for your words and actions other than yourself. When you post something, make sure you are ready to deal with the consequences. Sometimes the feedback on some posts is not all positive, so carefully consider before posting heated words. If you have something controversial, ugly, or otherwise a ‘hot topic’ you want to post about, carefully consider your words. Sleep on it. Take a break for fresh air. Make sure you want everyone to hear what you are going to say, and make sure you are ready to deal with the aftermath.

                  In nearly every request I have received for locking or thread removal, it has been the original author of the thread requesting it to be closed.

                  Here on the forums, we welcome open discussion, and usually it goes well. Sometimes it doesn’t, but that’s a case-by-case basis. Asking a thread to be closed because it’s not ‘going your way’ or you are getting differing opinions is not fair to the rest of the community.

                  Think, relax, and clam down before posting controversial things, and even then be sure to deal with the aftermath.
                  That said, outright harassment in the forum topics is not tolerated.

                  One final reminder from our head admin:

                  Adraenyse wrote:

                  I’ll also mention that editing your post doesn’t remove what you said.
                  I’m saying this as a general warning, anything you post here, even if you edit it later, can be pulled back up to seven days.

                  Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                  My art: featherdust.com

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