A very late member introduction..sorry

Home Forums Miscellany Introductory and Welcoming Area A very late member introduction..sorry

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        😀 Hi guys!
        I got an email from John and I realise that I never introduced myself to the group. Sorry, bad,bad,BAD of me….(slap my hand). Some of you know a little about me.
        Well here goes…
        I’m a single mother (or should I mentioned the boyfriend that I only see for maybe maximum 10 minites a day…if I see him at all). And no it is not because of work from his part. I singlely take care of the house, the garden, the zoo (well ok 11 birds and 2 cats and 5 fish) plus my son.
        I’ve been raising my physicaly and mentaly challenge son (now 18 ) on my own since he was born. I have him full time except when he has school and he goes in a foster home every second weekend, so I get a real break 4 days a month. He was a premature baby at 29 weeks. It is very hard taking care off him because he can’t help at all. You should see me when I try to get him in the Ford Escort Station…Don’t forget I’m alone for those transfers and there are no equipments for that. It is lifting dead weight every time and trying to bend him is just as hard. But overall, I love him and don’t regret my desision of keeping him instaid of placing him.
        OK..OK..I know I’m talking about him instaid of me…sorry. Anyway, I’ve always like drawing and painting but I used to do just one per year. And I’ve stopped for the past 6 years. I’ve sculpt in ceramics before but I don’t have any pictures and they were all given away. John did ask me if I do any art so I will post them and maybe you can motivate me to get back to it. Only problem the pictures are small and taken with a bad camera, so I’ll do my best.
        I’ve purchase several PYOs but I’ve only started one that was to be a clouded leopard but after someone else in the forum posted one, I quit. I don’t know if I should still finish it like planed or redo it to something else.
        I’m trying to make several changes in my life and a move is imminent. As soon as I can find a place for me and my son. His handicap (wheelchair) does limit me at finding the right place. I’m trying to be a more positive person and when I help people, well that helps me also.
        Ever since I found the forum my nights have been less lonely…sounds bad I know 🙄 . Pretty soon you’ll think me a pshyco. 😉 Just kidding!! No but seriously you guys are great and the Windstone staff, AMAZING! I’m glad I joined and hope this can at least bring some positivity in my life aside from the Windstone addiction it brought. Not that I was not addited before but now it’s bad, real bad! This forum keeps me very occupied when I should be in bed 😆 And this is the first time I’m actualy dedacated to a forum. I sometime join others in the past but don’t visit much, this Windstone forum every moment I can meaning mostly every day! I swear Melody casts a spell on every pieces she make to enthrall you! 😀


          Glad to get to know a little more about you. In regards to your clouded leapord PYO I’d say go ahead and finish it. Your’s will be unique in its own way.


            Nice that we are a “positive” influence on you! 😉 😆 Hey, everybody needs a place where they feel comfortable and at home.

            I agree about the clouded leopard pyo, you should finish him. You will put your own “spin” on the critter and he will be different from any others.


            Thanks for the extra information, BDW. Definitely finish the PYO. We’d like to see him.


              Better late than never! 🙂


              Well, it’s better late than never. Thanks for this wonderful introduction of yourself!

              You see, I’m not a person with an easy life eather. Despite both my Univerity diplomas, I have trouble finding a steady job. For the moment , all I can find are one-day-lasting substitute teaching jobs. And the phone doesn’t ring often… this is why I live with my parents. I often feel rejected by society. Internet forums like this one help me a lot feeling like being part of a community. The other thing that helps me a lot are the expositions I make of my works, in the local library. In fact, as I don’t have any computer at all, I come to the library’s computers to communicate in forums! Not so luxurious, huh…

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