
a strange look back

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    i wrote this about a month after TX. I just recently put it on Myspace and on my CF boards . Its a cryptic reliving of before durring and after TX , hope you like it


    I violently fall to earth , my bosom clenched as my wings faultier and begin to fail . The image of never flying again permeates my mind like the swords of a bull fighter in the beasts flesh .The fear envelops me in darkness my only friends are yellow sprites that float about . The gentle touch and caress of the caretaker puts my mind at ease. The shaking and convulsing begins , …i cant stand ….my thoughts are jumbled . The mosaic that was once my mind begins to betray me , my lifes blood begins to become stagnate.All goes dark , i am asleep but do not dream . The Shaman cuts and begins the ritual to remove the demon that caused my wings to falter and my dissent to earth . Breath fills me , as strange creatures speak in automated tongues i do not understand. Golden strands pierce my flesh allowing the knowledge of time to enter my body and continue the mending . I begin to speak but all i hear is hello then all goes silent again . Menageries of pictures flash about me as if they are dreams , but they could be real all is still in a muddled haze , as if some one has turned on a strobe and i witnessed my life through a kaleidoscope.

    My legs are so heavy and i shiver , Still the automated tongue speaks to me as i try to regain movement . The serpent that one resided under my nose has retreated to its home.The steps are painful and heavy , like the scortching sands of a great desert are around my feet , i fear falling when once more it all goes black . Voices are in echo my life returns to the kaleidoscope. Dragons and other creatures visit me in my cell . No harm comes from them only a bit of interaction and visits that i look forward to. I fear leaving my cell , will i fall again , will i enter the kaleidoscopes restrictive grasp . I must over come my fears but the convulsions return , the violent shaking from the demons have more strength than i can exhume … I am tired and weak i must rest.

    Soon i am forced up again to learn how to fly. All over again pain sears though my body , the demons return and try to force me back down in the sands , into the realm of the kaleidoscope . Breaking free i stretch the wings as far as they will go … i fly again slowly and short distances, but again i can feel the blood pulse through them . The short and subtle flights get longer by the day, the demons interrupt me once in a while but the Shamans take care of them through a daily swallowing ritual . The golden strands can teach me no more and leave my flesh rittled with holes that soon become scars that i wear as throphies.

    At last i am free , the demons have little hold and my wings , no longer do i need support. The automated tongues cease to exist . I feel the wind and smell the air , the care taker takes me home . No longer do the bright yellow sprites visit me .


    That is very neat, Danny. I like it. Needs a bit of polishing with editing and spelling, but it is a wonderful expression of your ordeal. I think it would be a great thing to see in print especially in a TX newsletter. It gives hope.



    You paint pictures with words. As I read this your words came to life in color and movement. Well done.


    I have had a few horse spills here and there throughout my lifetime, but I have no first hand experience of what you went through.

    It is obvious, without me knowing any details of your ordeal, that it was very serious and there are unexplainable layers to what happened to you.

    I live with someone who has had to experience it twice in this life. It is either a miracle or Karma that this person is here at all, perhaps even both. Some days are definately worse than others, but since they are still here, I remind them constantly to try and make the best of it as possible. Each day is like a rollar coaster ride, but considering what they have experienced, I can understand their ups and downs as they try, fail, succeed and try again to make it through a single day.

    Amazing imagery Necron99.


      That’s very insightful and you did a great job writing it.

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