
A Simple Act – Small Update – Pg 2

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      Thanks everyone! πŸ˜₯ I’m feeling much better now–I know they went to a good place. When I brought them back to the store for the breeder to pick up, they seem to settle right in that environment–they were eating and the male was calling out. They weren’t meant to be pets so they were never hand friendly. The breeder was so pleased to get them. As far as visiting–most breeders keep the public out of their avaries to avoid bringing in diease. But from what my friend is telling me, this breeder and his sister plan to buy some land in an unincorporated part of the city to build a bigger structure to be able to raise more birds. In fact, he may need employees–I’m going to put the bug in my friend’s ear that I would be interested in working there part time. If all goes well for him, this would be an excellent part time job for me in my retirement years and may be caring for these birds then. I’m sure he’ll give my friend updates on how the birds are doing–he is an expert–doing this for over 35 years so I know he’ll get them to adjust. Just the cage size alone tells me those birds are going to be in heaven! πŸ˜€ I have a couple of English Budgies whose cage were next to the plumheads and they have picked up the plumheads call only it isn’t as loud. I’m going to put a rosella parakeet next to the budgies–it’ll be interesting to see if they pick up that call as well! πŸ˜€


        You are a wonderful person for giving up your babies. Sounds like the universe brought a win win win situation for all


          Well I get a call from my friend at the bird store because the breeder that I gave my plumhead parakeets too came by. His message to me is that there’ll be no problem getting me that hand fed male because those birds have been ‘practicing’ steady for a week now! He has only had them 2 weeks and so this tells me they have settled quite well into their new environment! It’s off season for them but I haven’t seen them perform that activity while I had them–the breeder says the male acts like he’s been ‘starved’ for it. 😳 Who knows, I’ll probably get that baby sooner than I expected. πŸ˜€


            That’s so cool that you did that πŸ™‚ it would be hard to give up the birds but getting the sweet hand-fed baby will be great! Be sure to post pictures when you get your new baby πŸ™‚


              πŸ˜† I am glad they are doing well and feeling ‘up’ to it.

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