
A Simple Act – Small Update – Pg 2

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      I’m feeling a little sad right now even though I made someone very happy today. My friend at the bird store told me of the plight of one of her breeders who needed a male plumhead. Well I have a pair of these birds that I got from a private party who said they were a breeding pair. They came from my friend’s store [that’s how I met her] and these birds came from this breeder. I know who this breeder is and I have high respect for him. He isn’t a farm and he doesn’t give his birds shots just so they’ll lay eggs. He let’s things happen naturally which is risky because this year, he didn’t get too many eggs. He’s been doing this for over 35 years and I have a couple of his birds. A good person.

      Well when I heard he needed a male plumhead, I told my friend that he could have my pair but I wanted a hand fed male in return. Well he was all choked up about this and my friend said he had tears in his eyes because no one ever did that for him. He comes and gets my birds next Wednesday.

      Right now I’m a little choked up myself that he would be so emotional about it. He really, really appreciates it. I’m also a little sad that I’ll be saying good-bye to a couple of my babies. I don’t offer my birds to just anyone and I know he’ll take excellent care of them, probably better than I. The birds were never hand friendly but would call out to me when I said their names.

      Funny, he came in my friend’s store today with birds and gave her one that he especially worked with to make it sweet so she could sell it–to help her out. And I’m giving him my pair to help him out. You don’t realize that from a simple act of kindness how you can totally make someone’s day. We all have our worries and anxieties and those are still with us–but if we can just do one simple act of consideration and kindess, it seems that the whole day just brightenens right up.

      So here are my babies that I will be saying good-bye to come next Wednesday.

      Blinky [male]

      Uploaded with ImageShack.us

      Brea [female]

      Uploaded with ImageShack.us

      They are going to a very good place and have brought joy to someone.



          Good on ya, Fern! You are such a wonderfully caring soul – what goes around, comes around and that especially includes kindness and generosity! It’ll be hard to say good-bye to your babies, I know. They are certainly beautiful. You are amazing!

          twindragonsmum :yes:



            What beautiful birds and what a wonderful thing! I hope you get a beauty from him out of them. And you’ll end up with a bird that will be more of a companion since it will be hand-fed.


              Thats a really sweet story. I know you will miss them but it really does sound like they will have a great home.


                twindragonsmum wrote:

                Good on ya, Fern! You are such a wonderfully caring soul – what goes around, comes around and that especially includes kindness and generosity! It’ll be hard to say good-bye to your babies, I know. They are certainly beautiful. You are amazing!

                twindragonsmum :yes:
                I so totally agree.You are a generous,fabulous person and may Mother Nature grant you many baby birds in the future. 😉

                Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


                They’re gorgeous. What a wonderful thing to do! Thanks for sharing. 🙂


                  bodine6127 wrote:

                  twindragonsmum wrote:

                  Good on ya, Fern! You are such a wonderfully caring soul – what goes around, comes around and that especially includes kindness and generosity! It’ll be hard to say good-bye to your babies, I know. They are certainly beautiful. You are amazing!

                  twindragonsmum :yes:
                  I so totally agree.You are a generous,fabulous person and may Mother Nature grant you many baby birds in the future. 😉

                  DItto from me 😀 That was very generous of you.


                    That is so nice of you. He sound like a great person


                      awww… I feel for you, beautiful birds, I have had to give away birds and it ripped my heart out each time, but we know that he will keep them safe and happy…

                      I hope that the one he gives you in return is a happy perky character to replace your tears with laughter and ease the loss

                      you’ll be allright *hugs*


                        Well, my 2 babies have been rehomed. The breeder told me that he has a 3 foot by 3 foot by 5 foot enclosure ready for them–they’ll be the only birds in this enclosure. They’ll be in heaven with all that space and they’ll be outside. On my research on these birds they do well in an outdoor avairy–something I could not provide and which helps with the breeding.

                        But I am sad–had these babies for 3 years and I did some boo hoo now and then throughout the day 😥 I know they’ll in a good place with someone who is an expert but I still feel sad. I’ll miss them. But come next spring, if everything works out right, they’ll lay eggs and I’ll have a hand raised male. I do look forward to that. So right now I’m smiling between the tears–this breeder really needed another male in his stock and my friend at the bird store is happy because they’ll have these birds to sell next year. Everyone made out and it was good for everyone involved–but I’ll still cry 😥


                          What an incredible gesture, Fern! You are such a sweetheart. *Hugs tight* I can definitely understand how hard it will be for you, but you have helped out greatly and in the end you’ll be richly rewarded for that. :yes:


                            Fern, can you still go and visit occasionally your babies? Would it help them to adapt to they’re new home and help you with your ‘mourning’ 😳 I hope sc!

                            twindragonsmum 🙂



                            You did a very nice thing for this person, and I hope that the bird he gives you in return brings you great joy, much like you brought him!

                            And can’t you visit them?


                              LadyFirebird – WOW, what a selfless act of kindness! I’m not sure I would have been able to do what you did, but for an end result the rewards should be great. Karma has been ignited, you should do quite well. Congratulations!

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