A PM has gone wandering?

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    Hey hey, I got an email notification for a PM that I seem to have received earlier this evening while I was out but when I went to check my inbox, it wasn’t there. Dunno what happened. So I don’t know who it was sending me a PM but I just wanted to let whoever that was know that I don’t know where it went so you might want to send me another PM about whatever it was, hopefully it’ll be in my inbox this time ^_^


      sunhawk wrote:

      Hey hey, I got an email notification for a PM that I seem to have received earlier this evening while I was out but when I went to check my inbox, it wasn’t there. Dunno what happened. So I don’t know who it was sending me a PM but I just wanted to let whoever that was know that I don’t know where it went so you might want to send me another PM about whatever it was, hopefully it’ll be in my inbox this time ^_^

      Sometimes I will send a PM then go delete it for one reson or another. Maybe thats what happened… It wasnt me, though. 😆


      skigod377 wrote:

      sunhawk wrote:

      Hey hey, I got an email notification for a PM that I seem to have received earlier this evening while I was out but when I went to check my inbox, it wasn’t there. Dunno what happened. So I don’t know who it was sending me a PM but I just wanted to let whoever that was know that I don’t know where it went so you might want to send me another PM about whatever it was, hopefully it’ll be in my inbox this time ^_^

      Sometimes I will send a PM then go delete it for one reson or another. Maybe thats what happened… It wasnt me, though. 😆

      I didn’t know you could delete PM’s from someone else’s inbox if it was your PM! Learn something new every day! 😆


        I think it just stays in your outbox until the recipient logs in. It can be deleted until they log in.


        lamortefille wrote:

        I think it just stays in your outbox until the recipient logs in. It can be deleted until they log in.

        Good to know!


        You can delete a PM sent to someone before they open it as long as it remains in your Out Box.

        Also, dont know about you but my email also notifies me when I have an incoming PM. Lately however, they havent been matching up. Meaning I get here, and I see I have a message but my email never told me. Next day I’ll get an email saying I have a PM but it will have been notification of the one I read the day before.

        Sometimes it just happens that way.

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