A Picture for Mimi

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      I was at the Fort Worth Zoo recently.. and got some pictures with a new camera my sister got me for my birthday.. and I took a picture of this little guy he kept yelling at me wanting some food.. he looked quite plump enough as it was.. but I remember Mimi liking squirrels so I figured I’d post his picture to share..

      I have other pictures from the zoo.. but it’s taking me a long time to sort them.. I will probably post some of them over in the general art thing sometime..



        Aw, doesn’t he look soft and fuzzy!


        Thanks Frozen! He’s adorable! It looks like he’s bulking up for the winter. 😀 So did you give him some food?

        It looks like your new camera takes good pictures! What kind of camera is it?


        the squirrels at our park are really aggressive . Since people feed them all the time they think every one is there to feed them . the will follow you through the trails chirping . It gets like Children of the damned when a few start to follow




            mimitrek wrote:

            Thanks Frozen! He’s adorable! It looks like he’s bulking up for the winter. 😀 So did you give him some food?

            It looks like your new camera takes good pictures! What kind of camera is it?

            no, didn’t feed him because we didn’t have anything to give him.. but him and his friends had been running around for a bit and when we came back around he was just sitting right there.. so I got my camera ready and he hid his head.. so I told him “please put your head back up so I can take your picture” and it was really funny.. because he did..

            I got other great pictures.. but it’s gonna take forever to go through them all..


              So cute!


              frozendragon wrote:

              mimitrek wrote:

              Thanks Frozen! He’s adorable! It looks like he’s bulking up for the winter. 😀 So did you give him some food?

              It looks like your new camera takes good pictures! What kind of camera is it?
              no, didn’t feed him because we didn’t have anything to give him.. but him and his friends had been running around for a bit and when we came back around he was just sitting right there.. so I got my camera ready and he hid his head.. so I told him “please put your head back up so I can take your picture” and it was really funny.. because he did..
              That’s great! He was giving you a complimentary photo op…but he expects to be paid next time! 😀

              frozendragon wrote:

              I got other great pictures.. but it’s gonna take forever to go through them all..

              You should post them when you get a chance!



                  mimitrek wrote:

                  frozendragon wrote:

                  mimitrek wrote:

                  Thanks Frozen! He’s adorable! It looks like he’s bulking up for the winter. 😀 So did you give him some food?

                  It looks like your new camera takes good pictures! What kind of camera is it?
                  no, didn’t feed him because we didn’t have anything to give him.. but him and his friends had been running around for a bit and when we came back around he was just sitting right there.. so I got my camera ready and he hid his head.. so I told him “please put your head back up so I can take your picture” and it was really funny.. because he did..
                  That’s great! He was giving you a complimentary photo op…but he expects to be paid next time! 😀

                  frozendragon wrote:

                  I got other great pictures.. but it’s gonna take forever to go through them all..

                  You should post them when you get a chance!

                  next time I might have the money for some peanuts but prolly not for a long time..

                  the only other one I’ve got ready to show anyone is the momma tiger.. she gave me a great pic too..


                    LOL.. that’s a really funny pic snap..


                    lol, so fuzzy XD


                    frozendragon wrote:

                    the only other one I’ve got ready to show anyone is the momma tiger.. she gave me a great pic too..

                    You should post it sometime!


                      mimitrek wrote:

                      frozendragon wrote:

                      the only other one I’ve got ready to show anyone is the momma tiger.. she gave me a great pic too..

                      You should post it sometime!

                      I’m gonna post a few in the general art section when I get them edited

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