***A Note on Quest Prizes***

Home Forums The Tanglian Wilderness Quests ***A Note on Quest Prizes***

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      Hello Everyone,

      First off, I want to say I really don’t like having to make this post. These quests are supposed to be fun, not stress inducing.

      I have gotten reports that some of the winners of the various quests are receiving harassing emails and PMs asking them to sell or trade their prizes.

      Just like the ebay sculpts (or any other sculpt for that matter) it is acceptable to send a polite message along the lines of, “Hey, congrats! If you ever think of selling or trading, please keep me in mind!”

      It is NOT acceptable to continue to email/PM a person with higher offers or put pressure/guilt on them to sell or trade with you.

      At this time, quest prize winners are allowed to sell or trade their prizes as THEY desire. I would LIKE to keep it this way – but we may have to look at amending the rules to match those of raffles (no selling or trading the prizes unless you want to be ineligible for future quests) if we continue to find members harassing the winners.

      No changes are being made at this time – but I would STRONGLY urge you to follow this rule. If we continue to see harassment of the prize winners, other steps will need to be taken.

      Thank you!



        I wonder if things are getting nastier here . Or just a few people who are doing it . People don’t harass anyone . Play nice . I agree with the above . Yes I love some of win pebbles , but I’d never ask anyone for them . I do get stressed out playing feeling I’ll never win . I’ve never been good with games …lol even as a kid . Losing is no fun , but don’t pester anyone . Let Melody you like it and maybe they will be done for the store .
        Read the rules here .


          Wow, I’m sorry to hear that. For what it’s worth, I haven’t been harassed. 🙂



            I’m so envious (okay, I’ll be honest, I’m totally jealous), but it would never occur to me to even consider asking one of the winners to trade/sell.

            Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
            I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


            I think asking once is absolutely ok, but people have to accept the “no” they will get in most cases. It´s really sad to see that there are still some that seem to have trouble understanding that.
            I received one very polite PM asking about my prize, but had absolutely no more trouble with it.


              Wow. Really? Some people just have no idea what tact is and seem to forget all their manners sometimes. I’m sorry to hear that people are pestering prize winners as well. 🙁 Hearing about people being harassed for pieces is the main reason I’ve been leery to post up pictures of my collection or when I get a new piece I’m really happy about. Asking once politely is ok, but not accepting no or bugging isn’t cool. Like ghostndragon, I haven’t been harassed over my quest prize either.


                I sent a friendly offer when I was having a conversation someone. I hope I didn’t make her feel that way. 🙁


                  I sent a friendly offer when I was having a conversation someone. I hope I didn’t make her feel that way. 🙁

                  I don’t know who you spoke to, skeeterdeee, but I know no one has mentioned you to me in a negative light. 🙂

                  I’m pretty sure the offenders know who they are. Hopefully this reminder will help remind everyone to play nice and this can be the end of it. 🙂


                    Guys, I gotta say. And I am saying this because I’m not a mod anymore. I honestly have no idea who is involved in this situation. For all I know, it’s actually not a problem at all, but by the time it made it through the grapevine to someone at Windstone it sounded like a problem. When I was a mod I had to deal with that sometimes, and in the end it was just some miscommunication that got blown out of proportion. I always tried to look at it from every angle and issue my warnings as lightly as I could.

                    I digress.

                    I gotta say, as a normal person and not someone connected to Windstone– when there are problems, and people acting crazy when it comes to raffles and free prizes.. it really burns my butt. I know that some of us have butted heads with Windstone before when it has come to legal things, and I know it was frustrating (trust me!) however the folks at the Factory genuinely are doing everything they can to make us crazy collectors, as a whole, happy. Goodness gracious, they give away Windstones to us for free, at least one a month, sometimes more than that. Totally free! And while I am not trying to suggest that doing so means that we should fall to our knees and adore them, the simple truth is that Melody and co. are trying to do fun and free things for us, and a few people repay that by getting absolutely nuts over things and causing a headache for everyone involved. WHY?! There are so many good collectors here that wouldn’t dream of making trouble, and to those of you that are like this, oh my. Please accept my apologies. You folks that help Windstone keep rollin’ and only give your good will to the company are so precious and fantastic. And yet not enough of a big deal is made about you, because you’re not the ones causing trouble. Isn’t that always the way of things? Well know this, now: All along, I have always sung your praises in my heart. Thank you so much. I love you all.

                    For the very few that have intentionally, and knowingly gone over the top in their need to get what they want… thank you, too, for no doubt that your money has helped Windstone keep afloat. And truly, in posting this, I am not thinking of any individual names. HONESTLY. I’ve put it from my mind and all are equal. But, for the sake of pete and jacob the hippopotamus and all of the good little animals in this world, have some perspective. The bitterness, competitiveness, passive-aggressive snipping at once another and greed that has been exhibited both in public here and behind the scenes (intentionally or not) is what drove me away, and is what drove others away. Have some perspective! BE EXCELLENT TO EACH OTHER. Disagreements and such are part of life and are bound to happen, but RISE ABOVE if you find yourself in that position. Don’t let it become toxic. You poison not only yourself but those around you.

                    With only my kindest regards, and many kirin kisses,
                    Jennifer / Nam

                    Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                    My art: featherdust.com


                      Nobody has bothered me either.

                      HUGS Nam (and kiya too!), sorry you guys had to deal with all the negativity. That gets old really fast. Hopefully a the good outnumber the bad and a few warm fuzzy thoughts can help to clear away the nastiness. Think “duck” >.<


                        for what its worth, I will admit that I sent one inquiry about one of the first prizes to someone whom I was already in correspondence with about something else. From what I gathered from her response, she didn’t mind my asking at all because I made sure to make it a “please think of me if you ever..” type message.

                        I know people are making distinctions between polite inquiry and demanding/harassment, but I just wanted to say so that it would be out in the open as it seems like from some responses here any inquiry at all is considered “rude”.

                        Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                        Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                          No one has bothered me or my sister ether. So far things have been nothing but nice over here.

                          I might have pestered one or two for photos though 😛


                            I’ll be one to come forward here and say several people have contacted me. When I say several, I’d mean roughly between 8 and 10 individuals whether through PM or through email asking to buy the prize I won. 90% of the time when I am contacted for things I have won on ebay I don’t mind at all the “Hey, if you ever decide to sell, please keep me in mind” emails. In fact, I have a word document keeping track of said people who have sent me PMs for particular items like that just in case I fall on hard times.

                            However, it being the first and only time I ever won anything from Windstone I was excited and before the prize was even being shipping out the messages began. Like I said, most, didn’t bother me at all as the majority of people on this forum are very kind individuals and were just congratulating me while also putting the bug in my ear that they would love to be considered if I decided to part with it in the future. No problems there at all, however a few people did get a bit downright pushy and to be honest, I am now publicly announcing I no longer have the Quest Emperor I won at this point because I didn’t want to be stressed out about having such a nice prize when “I already have a collection so large I shouldn’t also have been allowed to win him at all” as someone had so eloquently put it after suggesting I have it sent directly to them from the factory. (for the person I am speaking of, I’m not naming names to anybody about that, so just please keep quiet and nobody will know the conversation we had and please, with that same respect nobody PM me asking who it was)

                            I know I have a nice collection, but I worked my behind off sometimes holding 3 jobs at a time to afford what I have and I have also been collecting for nearly 2 decades. I have no children or other financial obligations other then to myself so that’s why I have what I do and furthermore, I did re-consolidate my $25,000 credit card debt over the past 4 years which was mostly Windstone transactions so anyway…not to get too personal, but I should be able to win something just as much as anyone else in my opinion. I’m not worse or better then anyone else and I believe that not only in collecting, but in everyday life, work, whatever.

                            I’m not trying to start an argument here, and I’m not angry, but I did find those words very hurtful. In addition, as I stated before I have since TRADED the Emperor away so I NO LONGER HAVE IT (since I DID NOT want to sell it and make money off of a prize that I won because that just feels wrong to me) and the individual I traded him to I know will love and enjoy him immensely and I was also able to get something equally as cool in return so I am quite happy at this point with my “new prize” as I am trying to think of it.

                            I am also not going to name who got him because I don’t want that individual to be haunted as well, but I do agree with Jennifer that the greed of some people can really sour the taste on these raffles and prizes when Windstone is only trying to be charitable and make us all happy.

                            I’ll repeat, I did not feel as if I HAD TO TRADE him, but I have lots of photos and things I simply will not post now because of the way some people can get. The same thing happens with the Grab Bag Unicorns and I just think it’s sad how such wonderful things can just bring out the worst in people so to just avoid future argument, I don’t have him anymore and I’m sorry for the people who DID contact me politely asking if I consider selling to keep them in mind. I just wanted to keep things quiet on this because I am just too old to deal with the drama so again, I do apologize to those individuals because I think he most assuredly has a new forever home.

                            I only hope someday I can win a prize again from Windstone and it’s not something quite as extravagant although, it was an amazing feeling to get a free Emperor Dragon on my doorstep. I will never forget that feeling so I have to thank Windstone from the bottom of my heart for that. It was truly amazing and even if I no longer have the prize, I’ll never forget him or that feeling of being a grand prize winner! ^_^

                            Got a busted Windstone?
                            *OPEN for repairs*

                            *SEEKING GRAILS*
                            Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                            Siphlophis Male Dragon
                            Calypso Hatching Empress
                            Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                            Tattoo Mother Kirin
                            Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                            Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                            Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                            Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                            Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                            Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                              HUGS DF >.<


                                sad to hear that had to happen to you, drag0n…*hugs*

                                I haven’t had anyone bug me here since I haven’t won anything but I have had quite a few mean spirited kids on another forum, Gaiaonline to be specific…I’m old there, 2003 member=old go figure so the kids often thought when I wore the older, more pricy in the site’s currency items that I didn’t need them since I had “so much” and I was “too old to be on the site” so I needed to give me items to them so they said….it got to the point that I stick to guilds mostly and avoiding wearing the older stuff when I do venture out since it just get rather ugh after awhile….

                                moving on, it’s sad that people are like this sometimes, makes me wonder where manners have gone in the younger generation at times…hell I’m only 30 going 31 but oi, these kids make me feel like an old lady shaking a cane at the kids to get off my lawn! anyhoo, I hope some of the ruder people see this thread and rethink their actions and not bother people rudely again….

                                4 things I'm looking for:
                                1. Mother Meerkat
                                2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
                                3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
                                4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin

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