In my last job my then boss had a wonderful idea for a new website. He had just gotten off the phone with a customer and it wasn’t a friendly exchange. The customer wanted something that was unreasonable, impossible and totally out of line. My then boss said he would like to create a website–a place where one can go, like those personal greeting sites, and send your exact sentiments to people who really, really grate on your nerves. He called it ‘Blow It Out Your’ On this site for a very small fee you could send your sentiments to whoever and tell them exactly what they could blow out their arshes. It would be in the form of some object, the sender’s choice, of what this person can blow outta the arse–a football, a pineapple, a small animal [of course I jumped him on that–leave the animals out of it unless it’s a porkupine], a power tool, a piece of furniture—he went on and on and it was quite funny. He was mad but how he was saying all these things was cracking me up.
Well judging from all that is going on I thought we could set up that website [in name only] right here. We all have our irritations with situations and people so right here we could them them to ‘Blow It Out Their @ss’ and it would be free of charge. So let’s have some fun and tell some of these people/situations to blow away!!!
From me to Congress:
You can blow this rotten economy right out your @ss in the form of a huge wrecking crane!
From me to my current boss:
You can blow your idiotic management and self importance right out your arse in the form of a running wood chipper!
See–won’t this be fun! Come back as often as you like. 👿