A new list of Marylin's stuff

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        Hello everyone. Some of you have bought Marylin’s items already. If you haven’t all her stuff is new in box. She is a very nice lady, if you are looking for some of this she would be highly recommended. Her phone # is (352) 347-4600 open 10:30 to 4:30 in Florida.

        This is some mor stuff:

        baby triceratops (301) 70.00
        frog wizard (401) 65.00
        tiger (968) 35.00
        puffin (969) 35.00 2 more
        young unicorn (804-w) 80.00
        male unicorn (801-w) 110.00
        mother peg (824) 65.00
        hatching dragon (502-w) 65.00
        small winged spirit wolf (967) 65.00
        baby peg 35.00
        baby ki-rin (920) 40.00 SOLD
        baby unicorn 45.00
        egg w/eyes (952) 45.00
        gargolingus (954) 40.00 3 more

        GOOD LUCK 🙂


          Does she have an email address that she can be reached at?????????? Also does she ship to Canada. 😀



            Her Email is – user176791@aol.com – she can try to ship to Canada but is not sure on shipping price.


              Is she located in FL if so what is her address?


              darjeb wrote:

              Is she located in FL if so what is her address?

              She’s up in Marion county WAY north of you, around the Ocala area.


                vapordragon wrote:

                Her Email is – user176791@aol.com – she can try to ship to Canada but is not sure on shipping price.

                Ohh thanks for the info, I was actually interested in the baby ki rin and I see that it is SOLD already 🙁 I guess I’m a bit too late.



                Has anyone called on this stuff lately?


                I called her Sunday late morning (PST). She’s very nice and quite helpful. I haven’t gotten my first shipment from her yet, but it should be arriving later this week.

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