The feeling is mutual – thanks Windstone for using the biodegradable peanuts!
I save the ‘foo foos’ for reuse rather than compost them (one day I’ll have a place of my own and actually be *able* to compost, bleh!), but I have to make sure I keep them away from my cat! She’ll pry open boxes and claw through bags to be able to eat these. So far she hasn’t consumed even a whole one, but for some reason she’s obsessed with just getting one and licking it for a few minutes 🙂 She never has that reaction with the styrofoam peanuts. Anybody else’s pets go after these things?
Lol! My cats and my roommate’s cats do that. I keep the boxes in my closet (never have too many at a time so I can get away with this). Every time I open my closet door, the cats go in and pry open the folded closed boxes to steal peanuts! They chew on them and partially dissolve ’em. Constantly having to shoo them away from the boxes when my closet door is open!