
A difficult decision

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      Those decisions are never easy, but it sounds like she’s let you know that it’s time, and I’m sorry.



        I’m so sorry 😥 It’s so hard, sometimes, to do what is best for our furry children. But she knows you love her and this will be a gift from you to her; allowing her to go quietly and muched loved and with dignity…. *HUGS and my shoulder if you need it*




        I’m sorry the time has come for Pooka, but I’m glad to know she had 10 happy years with you. I think you are making the right decision for her, even though I know it’s hard for you.

        I offer all my love and support. *hugs*



          After my grandma paseed May 06 my co -worker actually said “death only effects the living” and after thinking about that she is EXACTLY right. I know you are still in pain but at least your puppy will not be. I hope that helps??


            My deepest sympathy goes out to you I know how hard that decision is to make.


              *hugs* I’m sorry to hear that. *hugs again*


              I’m so sorry. It’s such a hard thing to do. I think in this case you’ve made the right choice. Sending hugs and prayers. 🙁


                I’m all choked up reading all of this.

                Thanks, everyone. It really does help.

                Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                I am sorry you had to make such a difficult decision. It’s the best thing for your good dog friend but I know it isn’t easy. My best wishes go out to you.


                I’m sorry you had do go through this. *sends many Hugs*

                My most wanted list: carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties


                  I know how you feel… I’ve had to put a fair share of my animals down too… to save them the pain… it is never easy… and you never really recover from it… 🙁
                  But… at least you know she had a good life. She was happy with you…


                  I am soo sorry for you and your pup, it’s never easy to put down a loved animal. She will always be there,as a footprint on your heart. {HUGS}


                    I’m so sorry. You’re doing the right thing. I know how it feels. I had to do the same think about a year ago. We have them in our lives for such a short time and letting go always hurts so very much, but I think the joy they give us makes it all worthwhile. (hugs and lots of sympathy)


                    Reading all these, I’m reminded of when I had to let my beloved tabbycat go after 19 years of little furry love. I still miss her after 4 years, but I know she is pain free and where she needs to be.(Just ask me about kitty heaven!) It’s the unconditional love that’s also so hard to let go of as well as their places and faces. My deepest sympathies are with you. Keep breathing.


                      *huge hugs* My dog is also getting quite old, and I’ve had to consider what you’re going through during her worse periods. 🙁 *more hugs*

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