A Black and Gold Coiled Mother Poll

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    OHHH MY GOD! I just saw the picture and I have to say she is the prettiest Coiled Mother yet!!!!

    I have the White and I have a Peacock and Brown on the way. I always thought the White was the prettiest…but WOW! The Black and Gold just made me gasp!

    Fortunately Wolflodge has one she is trading me….so mine should be here soon! I am just in AWE!

    ALL HAIL THE CREATOR! And The Fantastic Windstone Staff

    The first step torealizing you have an addiction is admitting it! I am addicted to Windstones 🙂



      I had a hard time deciding between brown and black/gold. I picked brown because I have a soft spot for that color since my first Windstone dragons were brown. 😉


      Oh pretty, I really like the black gold. I’ll have to order one now. Maybe I’ll PM emerald…..


        I never planned to get a coiled mother, but then I saw they had it in BG suddenly. I’m considering! Need money though 🙁 Money problems this month…



        I just bought one. I’m so excited; I’d just asked a week ago about the BG Coiled Mama. I was trying to refrain from buying another dragon so I could pay some bills this month, LOL, but I guess not yet. Who needs to eat. 😉

        As of this post, the browns are all sold out on the Windstone website store, and there’s 14 of the Black Gold ones left.


        I picked black gold even tho I have a brown on the way.


        I chose emerald. I’m partial to that because the emerald coiled mama was my first Windstone.


          Krysia: WOW. I love your siggy! 😀 Black golds are my favorite.


          Wow that is beautiful…

          I bought one of the brown moms but now I’ll have to buy a black gold one too. 🙂 Too pretty to pass up.


            Now that I have seen the black gold, I must say I like the black gold the best.


              Wowser! She is a stunner… Now I appear to have just enough room for her and the male on my shelf… Hmmmmm

              I Would love an Old Warrior one day.. any Old Warrior!


                I think the BG mother is my favortie of the 5, but I’m not really keen on how her gold egg blends into her gold neck scales. Other than that, she’s a stunner.


                I think the BG is the most stunning coiled mother, but the white is the sweetest. Does that make any sense?
                I would love to see a BEP coiled mother!! (I promised not to start squeaking too soon for BEP as production, but eventually … 😉 )


                  boskydragon wrote:

                  I think the BG is the most stunning coiled mother, but the white is the sweetest. Does that make any sense?

                  Makes sense to me 🙂 An Emerald Peacock Mother would be gorgeous as well!

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