A big discovery…

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      I had to share this with you guys. It had me rolling on the floor laughing.

      Last week, my parents came over as I was to ship my dad to France the next day (we live close to the airport). My mom’s going this weekend. She was telling me how she found and booked the beds&breakfasts online.

      My mom: See this site? Look, all you need to do is click on the region, then on the city where you want to go. And you know what?
      Me: What?
      My mom: I was able to book and to pay right away with this really neat new thing called paypal.
      Me: 😆 😆 😆
      My mom: 😕

      I’m still chuckling about it. Afterwards, I had to explain to her how when dealing on ebay (what’s that again?), you mostly need paypal, and that goes for everyone around the globe. My mom’s not that old, really, she’s 57. But because she basically doesn’t buy anything online, she’s out of touch! Yet she surfs, she knows how to find the info (she learned very quickly, once she decided she wanted to learn. She’s had the internet for about 6 years – one of her first internet searches was to find a book for my brother, who, like me, reads sci-fi and fantasy. She types in the search engine (probably Yahoo) “fantasy books”. She later told me: “I may be open-minded, but I still think it’s not up to me to buy such books for my son”.) I just find it funny how someone so savvy could still be clueless about some things.

      Anybody else have had such experiences with family members/friends?

      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


        ‘Neat new thing’ indeed! 😀

        I guess I could poke fun at myself, since I recently found this ‘neat new thing’ on my online banking site called ‘Billpay.’ 😳 My sister-in-law had fun laughing at me. I used PayPal for BillPay for a couple years, then when they discontinued it, it never occured to me to check my bank’s website. 😆


        My mom had a friend who was 29 and the most clueless person I have ever met. She would say things like “where does corn seed come from?” and “Of course stars have 5 points, just go out and look!” When I was trying to teach her to drive, she would drive down the street honking her horn. I said “Why are you doing that?” She said ” I just want the other drivers to know I’m coming!” We were just speechless! (I stopped teaching her how to drive and referred her to a professional driving teacher!) I know I have huge gaps in my knowledge, especially about electronics and seem as ignorant to my friends who take all that for granted because they grew up with it, and I am constantly amazed at what the gadgets can do. But, 5pointed stars? 😮 😆


          dragonmedley wrote:

          Anybody else have had such experiences with family members/friends?

          yeah, 😆 every time I meet my mother something new comes up, I´m not saying my mom is….. well… you shouldn’t say that kind of things about your parents, BUT she does seem a bit Pheobe’ish person, she blurts things out before thinking (sadly, I do the same thing)

          for example I shall tell you one funny story, but first I need to explain in short why it’s funny

          here in Iceland we have a milk product called Skyr, it is a product that is a phase between yogurt and cheese, high in protein and very good for you, and another milk product that everyone should know of is “ís” or ice cream.
          and in the same way you guys use .com we use .is as in .iceland, well “is” and “ís” are similar enough to confuse the people that are not quite “in tact” with the internet 😀

          one day my mom comes home, rushing in the house while I was there along with my niece and nephew, “kids” she shouted in exitement, “I found something new for you to try, it’s called (domdomdom dommmm) Skyrís (skyr-ice)” and when she realized that it was not cheers but crickets she heard and then a loud laughter, she asked what was wrong, and naturally turned pink as my nine year old nephew explained why this was funny,

          if you want more info this is the site to see http://www.skyr.is/Where-to-buy/
          and a flirty advertisment about the subject http://www.hvitahusid.is/Vidskiptavinir/ms/skyr_is/

          drgnlvr wrote:

          My mom had a friend who was 29 and the most clueless person I have ever met. She would say things like “where does corn seed come from?” and “Of course stars have 5 points, just go out and look!” When I was trying to teach her to drive, she would drive down the street honking her horn. I said “Why are you doing that?” She said ” I just want the other drivers to know I’m coming!” We were just speechless! (I stopped teaching her how to drive and referred her to a professional driving teacher!) I know I have huge gaps in my knowledge, especially about electronics and seem as ignorant to my friends who take all that for granted because they grew up with it, and I am constantly amazed at what the gadgets can do. But, 5pointed stars? 😮 😆

          😆 that’s just priceless, but to think that she might be in the traffic now is just scary


          My mother is fairly clueless when it comes to computers and the internet. We need to help her with sorting and potsing photos and such, but at least she can type her own e-mails now.
          Most “clueless” incidents in our family usually happen to me though, myself being the clueless party. The incidents always take place out in our garage over some two-wheeled vehicle in various stages of deconstruction. I can’t give an account of an example because in most cases, it takes me several repeats to understand what my brother is trying to teach me about engines and moving parts.


            haha GB actually clueless is my name on another forum, and there is a reason for that 😀 there is a reason why my ex boyfriend (from anchient history) used to check if windows were securely shut so that my brain wouldn’t leak out with the steam

            in icelandic there is an adjective (that is actually a noun but not in these cases) used for clueless or a daydreaming person, usually it is “gufa” or Steam in direct translation


              Gufa – “steam”… that’s great BRoS! In the states we call them “airheads” which is exactly what I am! XD I love learning new words from other languages! 😀

              twindragonsmum 😀



              Gufa? Ha, I learned a new word. Funny, how similar certains terms are through different languages…


                ok? explain GB


                Airhead in English, Gufa (meaning steam) in Icelandic, Luftikus in German (also having to do with air) and they all pertain to a person who’s not quite with it. Interesting, no?
                Psst, dragonmedley, is there something comparable in French?


                  Tête en l’air = head in the air. Someone who forgets a lot of stuff. Not quite an airhead, but close to it! Your theory stands, GB.

                  Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                  I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                  Haha! We’ve got a phrase like that in German too – “Kopf in den Wolken”. And of course English’s direct penchant “head in the clouds”…


                    This is great! “Head in the clouds” could also be a “daydreamer” 😀

                    twindrgonsmum 😀



                      twindragonsmum wrote:

                      This is great! “Head in the clouds” could also be a “daydreamer” 😀

                      twindrgonsmum 😀

                      Ah, but a daydreamer isn’t necessarily tête en l’air… 😀

                      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.

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