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  • #832133

      i’m here everyday also(or almost everyday). Soooo i’m real, not a spambot 😀


        WolfenMachine wrote:

        bodine6127 wrote:

        I’m here everyday…even though I am mostly ignored 😥

        Awww you aren’t ignored, Bodine! We love you ^_^

        ^^ This! Wolfen beat me to it 😀

        Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
        Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


        I missed the poll, but I’m still here, don’t post much.


          I check in every day but I am really shy, so I don’t post much. 😳


            purplecat wrote:

            Is there a security setting of some sort to guard against single members with multiple email addresses sending more than one entry? They could also use a neighbors or perhaps even parents address to muck up the works…..it seems odd to me that there are three times the number of entries than there are people who voted on an “Are you here?” poll…..

            Then again….that all may just be some paranoia on my part…. 😳

            Unfortunately no. I’ve had to nuke a few accounts because of this (I can see IP addresses) because it was rather obvious they did it for raffle reasons…

            We sort of have to hope that most people are honest, and it’s an honor system. I hope people don’t take advantage of Melody’s immense generosity. 🙁

            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
            My art: featherdust.com


              Jennifer wrote:

              Unfortunately no. I’ve had to nuke a few accounts because of this (I can see IP addresses) because it was rather obvious they did it for raffle reasons…

              We sort of have to hope that most people are honest, and it’s an honor system. I hope people don’t take advantage of Melody’s immense generosity. 🙁
              I joined the forum for the raffle initially, but got sucked in by all the awesome people here.. Now there’s no turning back.


                It’s sad that there are people who cant be honorable when accepting generosity. 🙁

                On the other hand, I feel that the really wonderful people that I’ve encountered here greatly outnumber any “bad apple” percentage. This is a great group. And…did anyone else notice a “Snappy” icon in the smiley selection now? ROFL Awesomesauce! :snappy: :snappy: :snappy: :snappy:


                  purplecat wrote:

                  it seems odd to me that there are three times the number of entries than there are people who voted on an “Are you here?” poll…..

                  Then again….that all may just be some paranoia on my part…. 😳

                  I didn’t even see the poll at first because I very rarely check the “Community” section of the forums. I usually stick to the “Windstone Editions” part of the forums. Maybe that’s the case with others, too?

                  Windstone collector in remission. 😉


                    Tyrrlin wrote:

                    I didn’t even see the poll at first because I very rarely check the “Community” section of the forums. I usually stick to the “Windstone Editions” part of the forums. Maybe that’s the case with others, too?

                    It is with me. I don’t visit the Community section either, and I did not vote. There was also a thread of do/don’t use parts of the forum; my list is still sitting on my desktop and was never submitted.

                    I think there are a lot more “active” members than reflected in any polls.


                      Just an FYI… the poll was a sticky announcement forum-wide for over a month. 😉 This means it was visible at the header of every subforum in the entire Windstone Forum for a month.

                      I only recently moved it to the community section.

                      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                      My art: featherdust.com


                        I saw the poll when it was in General Windstone. o.o I barely ever look at the Community section either (no offense guys). e.e;

                        Man, I never even thought of making more than one account to screw with the raffle! That’s sad that anyone would do that, though. = How could you enjoy something you’d won if you knew you cheated to get it? I guess if you have no conscience it would be easy. >.>; Otherwise, it would just be a constant reminder you were dishonest.


                          Unfortunately, what one person sees as cheating is seen as “smart” or “clever” by others. I’m with you though – everybody SHOULD play fair. And I agree with those who have said “Karma will get you”. :snappy: Too bad it seems to take so long sometimes!


                            Jennifer wrote:

                            purplecat wrote:

                            Is there a security setting of some sort to guard against single members with multiple email addresses sending more than one entry? They could also use a neighbors or perhaps even parents address to muck up the works…..it seems odd to me that there are three times the number of entries than there are people who voted on an “Are you here?” poll…..

                            Then again….that all may just be some paranoia on my part…. 😳

                            Unfortunately no. I’ve had to nuke a few accounts because of this (I can see IP addresses) because it was rather obvious they did it for raffle reasons…

                            We sort of have to hope that most people are honest, and it’s an honor system. I hope people don’t take advantage of Melody’s immense generosity. 🙁

                            Only problem with this is when more than one account at the same address is legetimate. Myself, my roomate, and my husband are all on the forum. Hubby is a lurker, and just starting to practice on doing repairs for windstones (since mine tend to have “accidents due to 6 cats!), My roomate is Brightstar1008, and she post infrequesntly at best. But since we share a house, we all have the same IP address.

                            Keeper of the Fledgings


                              azurielle wrote:

                              Jennifer wrote:

                              purplecat wrote:

                              Is there a security setting of some sort to guard against single members with multiple email addresses sending more than one entry? They could also use a neighbors or perhaps even parents address to muck up the works…..it seems odd to me that there are three times the number of entries than there are people who voted on an “Are you here?” poll…..

                              Then again….that all may just be some paranoia on my part…. 😳

                              Unfortunately no. I’ve had to nuke a few accounts because of this (I can see IP addresses) because it was rather obvious they did it for raffle reasons…

                              We sort of have to hope that most people are honest, and it’s an honor system. I hope people don’t take advantage of Melody’s immense generosity. 🙁

                              Only problem with this is when more than one account at the same address is legetimate. Myself, my roomate, and my husband are all on the forum. Hubby is a lurker, and just starting to practice on doing repairs for windstones (since mine tend to have “accidents due to 6 cats!), My roomate is Brightstar1008, and she post infrequesntly at best. But since we share a house, we all have the same IP address.

                              Ditto this, my fiance Scott and my mom have an account here, and both have logged in from my IP. At this time they only lurk. Scott logs in every once in a while but not very often. I don’t think he voted in the forum participation poll, but he definitely accesses the forum.


                                But, do those of you with multiple people posting from the same IP all join the forum within a few minutes of each other? Probably not. And no worries– I always write to the account holders to see what is up before deactivating them. I don’t go blasting off deletions willy nilly. 😉

                                Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                                My art: featherdust.com

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