Another suggestion I have: in addition to changing the rewards offered, you should have an advertising plan laid out in advance. Kickstarter itself will do almost nothing to help you reach people, unless you’re very lucky and get a staff pick.
Things like google’s adwords can be cheap options for getting some visibility for your campaign, or banner ads on websites specifically related to your art in some way, (just don’t buy any of those BS advertising packages from companies who claim to be kickstarter gurus, they’re not likely to actually be any good.)
Also, I’ve compiled a list of twenty or so places where I can post and let people know (it includes this forum, of course), as well as another list of blogs and websites to reach out to that might possibly be interested in featuring my campaign. Unfortunately my list is mostly brony-centered, (and the previous list was all doll centered) so I can’t really pass it along, but given that I got only one or two backers from any given spot I advertised in, having a long list of such spots is pretty necessary.