Wooohooo it’s official I’ve done 50 dragon ACEOs! My goal is now to do 2 dragon ACEOs a day for a year. 730 dragons! I know to some of you artist out there 50 dragons does not seam like much, but I’m still pretty new to this whole fantasy art world thing. I’ve been doing art sense I was a kid just not ACEOs. Oh & for the few of you that don’t know ACEOs are 2.5″ X 3.5″ the same size as a trading card.
Take a look at all the pretty & not so pretty little dragons http://www.ebsqart.com/OnlineArtGallery.asp?CMD=DOSEARCH&PAGE=1&ITEM=1&ID=11426&ViewMode=T&GALLERYTYPE=MEMBER&Gallery=Dragon+ATC%2FACEO&FILTER=&Submit=Search
Thanks everyone & Happy Holidays
Wow! That’s a lot of dragons. And each one is unique, too… awesome! I really like the second one on the page, “The Blue-Eyed Dragon”. He’s got character.
AWWWW you drew gorbash, I LOVE that movie he is awsome very cool.
I know isn’t that move great! The books even better. It’s not just like “gorbash”, but close, just based on the artwork of Wayde Anderson, I love his artwork.