$391 for two weeks pay?!

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      OMG I just checked my bank account and I see that my employer only paid me $391! I liked to have a stroke! I called payroll and they told me that they took out over $900 for health insurance. So I call the insurance devision and they told me it was a mistake and they could put the rest of the money they owe me on my next paycheck (in two weeks). I’m like NO I need that money NOW! So I called my union and asked them to help me out. They said that the county is on liberal leave because of the snow (the whole less then an inch of snow) so thats why it is taking so long for me to get my money. Now they are telling me I can go up to the old court house on tuesday and pick up a check for the money they owe me. Thank god my taxes came in today or I would be totally screwed!



          Yikes! What a mess! It’s especially frustrating when things like this aren’t your fault, but you still have to jump through hoops to fix someone else’s mistake.



            When you woe them they want it NOW but when they owe you they take their own sweet time. I’m glad you got it taken care of so quickly


              I was gonna say, wow that’s a good paycheck! But compared to what you were expecting… ack! Not so good. I made about $380 every two weeks after tax, working 40 hours a week. 😉

              Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
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              Yikes! That’s quite a screwup!


                I guess considering I’m getting paid to do nothing right now I should be happy right?


                  purpledoggy wrote:

                  I guess considering I’m getting paid to do nothing right now I should be happy right?

                  You still have bills though, and and extra mouth to feed


                    Yikes!! Not good. At least they admit it’s a mistake…


                    Jennifer wrote:

                    I was gonna say, wow that’s a good paycheck! But compared to what you were expecting… ack! Not so good. I made about $380 every two weeks after tax, working 40 hours a week. ;)[/quote

                    Eeek…I would be very upset with that kind of paycheck after 2 weeks.

                    They need to pay you more, Jenn.



                      Kyrin wrote:

                      Jennifer wrote:

                      I was gonna say, wow that’s a good paycheck! But compared to what you were expecting… ack! Not so good. I made about $380 every two weeks after tax, working 40 hours a week. ;)[/quote

                      Eeek…I would be very upset with that kind of paycheck after 2 weeks.

                      They need to pay you more, Jenn.


                      That was when I worked retail. 🙂 That’s not Windstone.

                      My current paychecks… well, they obviously vary with the good and bad times on eBay. 🙂

                      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                      My art: featherdust.com


                      Dragon Master wrote:

                      When you woe them they want it NOW but when they owe you they take their own sweet time. I’m glad you got it taken care of so quickly

                      That’s the truth! DFAS (Defense Financial and Accounting Services) screws up our pay pretty regularly. I once got underpaid for 18 months! And then it took another year to get my backpay. Another time they overpaid me, and the very next paycheck they took it all back. The whole thing. I didn’t get paid at all. I was lucky I had paid attention and saved the paycheck so I could pay my bills and such.

                      I am glad they were able to figure out the problem so fast purpledoggy. Hopefully you will be able to get your check.


                        purpledoggy wrote:

                        I guess considering I’m getting paid to do nothing right now I should be happy right?

                        Are you really doing nothing, hmmm? Last time I checked (so 9 years ago), taking care of a newborn was work!

                        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                          RiDuvessa wrote:

                          Dragon Master wrote:

                          When you woe them they want it NOW but when they owe you they take their own sweet time. I’m glad you got it taken care of so quickly

                          That’s the truth! DFAS (Defense Financial and Accounting Services) screws up our pay pretty regularly. I once got underpaid for 18 months! And then it took another year to get my backpay. Another time they overpaid me, and the very next paycheck they took it all back. The whole thing. I didn’t get paid at all. I was lucky I had paid attention and saved the paycheck so I could pay my bills and such.

                          You don’t work for the French Camp office, do you?
                          We get contracts that go through DFAS.


                          Phoenix wrote:

                          RiDuvessa wrote:

                          Dragon Master wrote:

                          When you woe them they want it NOW but when they owe you they take their own sweet time. I’m glad you got it taken care of so quickly

                          That’s the truth! DFAS (Defense Financial and Accounting Services) screws up our pay pretty regularly. I once got underpaid for 18 months! And then it took another year to get my backpay. Another time they overpaid me, and the very next paycheck they took it all back. The whole thing. I didn’t get paid at all. I was lucky I had paid attention and saved the paycheck so I could pay my bills and such.

                          You don’t work for the French Camp office, do you?
                          We get contracts that go through DFAS.

                          No, I’m actually a Naval Officer. I work at Point Mugu NAWC, CA. All of our pay goes through DFAS.

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