2nd Poad(tm) Show today, 4/12/18 at 3 pm PDT!

Home Forums Windstone Editions Announcements 2nd Poad(tm) Show today, 4/12/18 at 3 pm PDT!

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      As for the Special poads yes she said those were $280 to add on and she said she hadn’t planned to paint more but said she could if more people wanted them. But I would ask her directly about that.

      So it sounds as though Windstone changed the rules on the special Poads in mid-stream, didn’t announce it beforehand, haven’t announced it yet on the Kickstarter page, and don’t show special Poads as an add-on option.  In fact, they may not even be an option except for people “in the know”.

      This is not good.


        As for the Special poads yes she said those were $280 to add on and she said she hadn’t planned to paint more but said she could if more people wanted them. But I would ask her directly about that.

        So it sounds as though Windstone changed the rules on the special Poads in mid-stream, didn’t announce it beforehand, haven’t announced it yet on the Kickstarter page, and don’t show special Poads as an add-on option. In fact, they may not even be an option except for people “in the know”. This is not good.

        This was a surprise for me as well.  I know they take time to paint and they were almost out of them towards the end.  But there are pledge tiers that promise Special Poads as a reward and Windstone would be obligated to fulfill those awards.  I’m going to guess that Melody will paint more Special Poads if she needs to fulfill these awards.  I think she meant she wasn’t going to paint more for Live Streams.  I don’t feel any of us are no more in the know than anyone else.  Don’t like to see people upset and think they’re being excluded and not part of a group–you’re not.  We are all in this together and learn as we go along.  So please don’t feel bad.


          I was just quoting what I heard Melody say in the Livestream later when someone asked about special poads.  I think the way she put it was something like “I wasn’t planning to paint more but guess I could if more people want them.”.  If she does have open tiers for special poads and more people pledge for them then I guess she would have to fulfill those pledges.

          Also I have links for the new Livestream too but I noticed this time watching it back that it was letting me skip forward or go back to different times to take screenshots.

          Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


            Don’t worry, we will see that we fulfill all of the reward requests!  Since we couldn’t know ahead how many of something would be desired, and still don’t know how many of anything have been added on to a pledge, Melody is prepared to paint more of anything necessary to fill all of the reward requests.  More Special Poads(tm) will be painted to fill requests!


                Thank you for posting those Kim!  I can’t access any but perhaps the very last 3 minutes of the live stream from the Kickstarter page on my phone for some reason (I can watch it on my computer though, strange).  The colors are so much more vibrant on my phone so now I can finally see all of them in all their glory! 🙂

                .*ºSearching for Spectrals and Rising Spectrals in all patterns and colors!º*.


                  Don’t worry, we will see that we fulfill all of the reward requests! Since we couldn’t know ahead how many of something would be desired, and still don’t know how many of anything have been added on to a pledge, Melody is prepared to paint more of anything necessary to fill all of the reward requests. More Special Poads(tm) will be painted to fill requests!

                  That’s great, but you have to let people know that they can add-on special Poads in addition to the “regular” ones.  In her efforts to keep everybody happy – which is commendable – Melody has created an uneven playing field.

                  At the moment, only Forum members and people who watched the second live stream are aware that special Poads can be added to pledges.  For the benefit of everybody else, and particularly for people who are just discovering Windstone, you need to announce that special Poads may be added to pledges and you need to include them in the list of add-ons.


                    Don’t worry, we will see that we fulfill all of the reward requests! Since we couldn’t know ahead how many of something would be desired, and still don’t know how many of anything have been added on to a pledge, Melody is prepared to paint more of anything necessary to fill all of the reward requests. More Special Poads(tm) will be painted to fill requests!


                    Yes, I noticed when I updated my pledge amount to pay for the add-ons I did during the livestream, that there’s nowhere on the Kickstarter form to say what the additional pledge was for.  It would be nice if there was a notes spot on the form so we could explain what the additional pledge was.  Is that possible or is it entirely under Kickstarter’s control?  Anway, I shot Melody off an email to let her know what my add-ons were.

                    But, it is going to be very difficult to track all those claimed poads for so many people that participated in the livestream.  Good luck with them.  You guys have so much patience, we’re in awe!


                      Mary, the way Kickstarter works is that you will get a survey after the project has been funded (remember it’s an all or nothing platform).  That survey is where everyone tells them what addons they’ve added. 🙂  There’s no way to tell anyone what your add ones are when you increase your pledge. That comes from the post project survey.


                        Thanks for the information, Stephanie.  This was my first Kickstarter and wasn’t sure how things worked.  It was lots of fun and exciting seeing Melody’s Veligent come to life.


                          Kickstarter isn’t letting me make an account and link to my pledge, sigh. Guess I’ll email Susie what I prefer and take my chances on my bean. I’m sure I’ll love it no matter what. (was there a bronzy/browny/root beer colored one the wheel between 10-13, or is that my bad eyes? I prefer darker colors and one like that would be neat! I missed most of the livestream, so I only caught the beans in passing)

                          Looking forward to Friday’s livestream even if I can’t participate, they’re all of them beautiful and I love seeing them!


                            Kickstarter isn’t letting me make an account and link to my pledge, sigh. Guess I’ll email Susie what I prefer and take my chances on my bean. I’m sure I’ll love it no matter what. (was there a bronzy/browny/root beer colored one the wheel between 10-13, or is that my bad eyes? I prefer darker colors and one like that would be neat! I missed most of the livestream, so I only caught the beans in passing) Looking forward to Friday’s livestream even if I can’t participate, they’re all of them beautiful and I love seeing them!

                            Is it possible for you to cancel your pledge, make an account, and then make a new pledge?

                            Karen Goddard

                              Melody said they were going to do a third parade this week…. no news?


                                Melody said they were going to do a third parade this week…. no news?

                                There’s a copy of the live stream announcement on the Kickstarter page under “Updates” and also a countdown on the Kickstarter page.

                                The live stream will be on Friday, April 20, at 3pm Pacific time (6 pm Eastern).

                                Karen Goddard

                                  Thanks Etruscan.

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