2 PYO Kirins to eBay

Home Forums Administration Flea Market 2 PYO Kirins to eBay

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  • #551403

    A red and black one and a brown pinto one.

    Link to my auctions here. Thanks for lookin’!



      Love the pinto! Very cool colors!


        I love them both. 🙂


          The paint is beutyfull, nice job. I hope to take him home. 😀


          Those are both so cool. I can’t figure out a favorite, but I like those ragged-edged designs a lot.


          😯 😯 That pinto is gorgious. I don’t even collect that model. But he’s just gorgious.


          Man, wish I could buy your pinto…


          Thank you guys so much for your compliments! I like how both of them came out. They took me a bit longer than the others, I’ve had strep throat. Everyone likes the lil’ pinto but I really thought the black flame one would be more popular. Eh, shows what I know. 😛


            Can we make suggestions on what we’d like to see next? I’d love to see a blanket appaloosa kirin!

            Of course, since I only collect the dragons, I wouldn’t bid on it, so feel free to totally ignore the request 😆

            But I’d still love to see one 😉


              daaaaum! I was looking at your auctions again because I was intending on bidding on the pinto and… $241! O.O!!! I’m out of the running, but geez, good for you!! 😀


                Yeah. That’s as much as Nam gets sometimes!


                  I know that Purplerose is the high bidder, but I can’t remember who she is for the life of me on this forum….Purple! Speak up!


                  I know you guys, I am tickled to death that my lil’ pinto is so high! THANK YOU! Honestly I am surprised by how much people like him as I thought the black and red one would be more popular.

                  Yes, I am always up for color suggestions. I am so happy that people seem to like the pinto as they are my favorite horse color to paint. And I like to do appaloosas sometimes too. I can paint blanket appaloosa but I warn you I am not a good painter of varnish appaloosas. Leopard appies and blanket appies I can do.

                  Thanks again!! :mrgreen:


                  you know, i was going to get the red/black/gold one for my boyfriend (ok, for me in the guise of giving it to my boyfriend.) the school where he works at has a mascot which is a kirin and those are his school’s colors.

                  the design on the side reminds me of fractals. they are a really nice detail. its gorgeous, i hope it finds a wonderful home.

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