2 New Ki-Rins

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  • #542773


    This is a very long health-related post but you can scroll down to the pics. The black-mane “Golden Twilight” is a companion piece for the “Golden Dawn” white-maned one I just had on ebay. The second is a new white-maned blue-scale beauty I call “Cloud Dancing” with interference paint in his mane to make him strikingly pearly blue in the right light. I have’t felt the need or desire to do antiques on these guys…loved them the way they are, but I promise more complex looking ones in the future…but right now health reasons have made me opt for solid tones and to get that out of my system. I know you’re probably all tired of it by now, lol.



      I adore the black and copper one. I actually did one like that, though im not finished. I like the blue and white one, too, but not as much as the black. They are both purty!


      They are gorgeous as usual Water! I love them! πŸ˜€ I cant wait til I can get ANOTHER painted “anything” from you LOL! I still have the maccaw/black panther, I decided to keep it LMAO! OH, and the silver/purple/black/blue metallic scratching Dragon!
      ~TANEEA~ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€


        The link is not working for me πŸ˜₯


        I saw them on E-Bay, Water. They’re so gorgeous. I love your black Kirins with the jewel-like scales.


          That’s it Water… We’ve got to do a Ki-Rin Trade!!! I LOVE the bronzing on those scales!!!!! GORGEOUS… Those two make a great pair! πŸ˜€

          I am so jealous of you guys that can just turn two or three of these out a day… I can’t WAIT till I have my studio back up!!! AH I want to paint PYOs!!!! So many ideas!!!


          I dont know how they CAN “DO” it, putting out all those a day. I WISH I COULD! Oh….forgot I got a FULL-TIME job πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ‘Ώ , I wish I could just stay home and paint my PYO’s! **Stomps feet** πŸ˜€


            DragonsCavern wrote:

            I dont know how they CAN “DO” it, putting out all those a day. I WISH I COULD! Oh….forgot I got a FULL-TIME job πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ‘Ώ , I wish I could just stay home and paint my PYO’s! **Stomps feet** πŸ˜€

            I feel your pain! Blasted full tiem jobs… and moving… and… ARGH… I need more time in the day!

            ::throws a small temper tantrum:: I wanna just paint too!!!!! πŸ˜› I wanna take a month off of work and just paint!!! πŸ˜€


            ladybrooklyn wrote:

            DragonsCavern wrote:

            I dont know how they CAN “DO” it, putting out all those a day. I WISH I COULD! Oh….forgot I got a FULL-TIME job πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ‘Ώ , I wish I could just stay home and paint my PYO’s! **Stomps feet** πŸ˜€

            I feel your pain! Blasted full tiem jobs… and moving… and… ARGH… I need more time in the day!

            ::throws a small temper tantrum:: I wanna just paint too!!!!! πŸ˜› I wanna take a month off of work and just paint!!! πŸ˜€

            Oh, I SO AGREE WITH YOU! 100%! I wish I had the “Vacation” Time for it from work, I would do exactly that! πŸ˜€
            Or, I can wait til I get married some day and just stay at home take care of the kids and paint!! LOL! I would in a HEART BEAT. πŸ˜†


              DragonsCavern wrote:

              ladybrooklyn wrote:

              DragonsCavern wrote:

              I dont know how they CAN “DO” it, putting out all those a day. I WISH I COULD! Oh….forgot I got a FULL-TIME job πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ‘Ώ , I wish I could just stay home and paint my PYO’s! **Stomps feet** πŸ˜€

              I feel your pain! Blasted full tiem jobs… and moving… and… ARGH… I need more time in the day!

              ::throws a small temper tantrum:: I wanna just paint too!!!!! πŸ˜› I wanna take a month off of work and just paint!!! πŸ˜€

              Oh, I SO AGREE WITH YOU! 100%! I wish I had the “Vacation” Time for it from work, I would do exactly that! πŸ˜€
              Or, I can wait til I get married some day and just stay at home take care of the kids and paint!! LOL! I would in a HEART BEAT. πŸ˜†
              Something tells me when you have little kids you might not have as much time to paint as you think πŸ˜‰


              My son is 14yrs old and is a computer geek LOL. He pretty much doesnt want anything to do with me LOL! Doesnt bug me….thats the way these teenagers are. Well, at least thats the way I was too haha! So I dont feel bad. πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€

              OH! I said “kids” huh??? HAHA! MyBad….na, just one πŸ˜€


              Well, the difference is I do artwork full-time and currently don’t yet have a chilren’s illustration gig this year yet. I have a couple major projects to do over the course of the year but other than that I’m pretty free to paint all day. My husband just went on a business trip overseas, and when he does so I normnally stay up until 4 or 5 am or just all night long painting. Unfortunately I’m behind by at least 2 or 3 painted pieces because of feeling sick, otherwise I’d have more done and can do some of the more detailed pieces I’ve been planning and finish the siamese set I talked about. But now I don’t know what will happen if I just don’t feel good. I guess I’ll be slowing down some. I planned a silver and black dragon, a firey flame Ki-Rin with red and black scales, and a golden dawn dragon. Eventually I’ll get to them.

              One interesting thing I found out about the famous artist Jody Bergsma…she actually has about a 6 month stay every year in a secondary house where she can focus just on her paintings in sort of seclusion…so the rest of the year she tours and does other things she has to to promote her work. S she paints for a straght half a year and then doesn’t for half a year.


              WOW, sorry to hear that Water. I hope you feel better soon hun! I know, I just was in the hospital AGAIN myself! WHY ARE DOCTORS SOOOOOOO STUPID HERE??? **pouts** πŸ˜•


              Glad you liked the scratching dragon cavern, BTW. Just had to do a little dragon PYO with semi-matching colors, lol. I like the color combo. Anyway, what were you in the hospital for?

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