100 Reasons Why Cpt. Kirk is better than Cpt. Picard

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      I think the debate will always come down to personal preference. Me, I grew up with Captain Kirk, and so he will always have a special place in my heart.
      I think they were both ‘what the galaxy needed’ in their own times. Kirk was more cowboy to the uncharted frontiers of his time, and Picard was a diplomat for the more refined frontiers of his era.
      They both have their strengths, in their own times, but Kirk will always be my favorite, because he was my first Captain. 😀




          Has anyone seen Galaxy Quest? It’s hysterical, no matter what side of this debate you fall on. 😀


            Yeah, I love Galaxy Quest!

            These 2 lists are both hilarious. They demonstrate how much the shows have changed over the years to go with the times, don’t they?

            Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
            I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


              Galaxy Quest is awesome!


              I grew up with Kirk so he’ll always be first with me. But I love Patrick Stewart – that accent! Anyone listen to the Four Bitchin’ Babes? They have a song about bald men being sexy and mention him (and Michael Jordan – another sexy bald headed man!)


                Picard for me, no contest.

                …and I’m Canadian, so really I should be supporting Shatner…but I just can’t do it. Riker was Canadian, I’ll use that as my excuse to back TNG 😆


                  Both Captains love their ships and their crew (Kirk a little too much…lol). If I was in a really tight situation, I’d prefer Kirk. If I was looking for a friend I’d pick Picard. 🙂


                  Hahahaha! Those are funny!

                  My favorites:

                  54. Kirk’s hand phaser is sleek and sexy. Picard’s hand phaser looks like a Hoover dirt devil.

                  16. The only way Picard would allow tribbles on his ship would be as hors d’oeuvres.


                  I am a Kirk fan too, picard is a pansy assed wimp IMO, who relied on Riker to make his hard decisions, his own words were that he chose Riker because he would defy a direct order, how much more pussy can you get, LOL.

                  But I am a trekkie at heart and like them both, as a sign of their times, I only really disliked Sisko never really liked DS9 at all, but it is DH’s fav, and I liked Archer because he had a dog, LMAO.

                  Seriously though I spend christmas day at the Star Trek Experience in Vegas, 😆 .


                  Haha! I grew up w/Kirk too, and never liked TNG as much… I have a list somewhere of why Star Wars kicks butt over Star Trek, and it’s pretty funny.
                  Loved Galaxy Quest! We (my husband & I) saw it in the theater w/my sister & her husband and we were the only 4 people laughing. Felt like we were the only trekkies in there.


                  Kirk is the man he has bagged more women than the entire population of Omicron Persi 8

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