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  • #607379

    Thanks for the support guys, both here and if you bought and inquired so far.

    Yea, I wasnt sure about how that large knife was goingn to ship in these here times, what with all the terrorism and stuff sent through the mail. That piece would definitely have to ship to thte USA only and even then, Im not sure they wouldnt scan/X-Ray it and be like WTF? Im guessing they wouldnt let me log on to the forums from jail. 😉

    Edited to add: that I have some jewelry (some nice, some costume, some playful) but am waiting to bring it to the jeweler to get them to really shine and for the rings, to figure out just what ring size they are.

    I have photos of them and may put them up later just for ppl to think about even if I dont know their sizes and plan on cleaning them before anything else.

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