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Wanted..... Searching For!!!
Stone dragons in the following: Lap...... Mother...... Curled...... Coiled....... Spectral..... TIA
Posted: 02/26/2025
Expires: 03/28/2025
Category: Dragons
Price: Free
Wanted..... Searching For
Hatching version 1 dragons Amethyst ..... Emerald peacock..... Red Fire...... Gold..... Copper patina teal eyes.....
Posted: 02/26/2025
Expires: 03/28/2025
Category: Dragons
Price: Free
ISO Peacock Old Warrior
I am looking for a peacock Old Warrior. If you have one you want to sell/trade/partial trade send me a message!
Posted: 02/22/2025
Expires: 03/24/2025
Category: Dragons
Price: Free
ISO: Peacock Hatching Kinglet and Female Hearth
My mom gave me a Male Peacock Dragon for Easter when I was a child, and my collection has grown immensely both in size and sentimental value.
Posted: 02/22/2025
Expires: 03/26/2025
Category: Dragons
Price: $ 1,000.00
Looking for these special items
Looking for these items to add to my collection: Sitting young oriental dragon in gold/yellow and white, Grape candy resting ponycorn,
Posted: 02/22/2025
Expires: 03/24/2025
Category: Dragons
Price: Free
Seeking White & Lavender Statues, Cats, Test Paints & Other Pieces
Hi! I'm looking for the following pieces to add into my forever collection. White sculpts I'm looking for: hatching version 2,
Posted: 02/19/2025
Expires: 03/21/2025
Category: Dragons
Price: Free
Rococco Secret Keeper Wanted
I’m searching for the Rococco Secret Keeper. Shipping with insurance and tracking to Canada. Payment will be prompt and in full by PayPal with an invoice from you.
Posted: 02/13/2025
Expires: 03/15/2025
Category: Dragons
Price: Free
**WANTED** Cosmic Shift Dragons and Ki Rins
I would love to give a good home to any of the Cosmic Shift Dragons and Ki-Rins. I will pay thru a PayPal invoice.
Posted: 02/12/2025
Expires: 03/14/2025
Category: Dragons
Price: Free
Want to Buy White Secret Keeper and Emerald Peacock Secret Keeper
I am looking for the dragons below in mint condition (original box is a plus but not a must). If you're interested in selling,
Posted: 02/10/2025
Expires: 03/12/2025
Category: Dragons
Price: Free
Want to buy original version of Emerald Peacock Emperor
I'm looking for the original color Emerald Peacock Emperor dragon. This would be back from when they were in Hollywood, CA.
Posted: 02/07/2025
Expires: 03/09/2025
Category: Dragons
Price: Free