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Looking for griffins!!

Looking for griffins!!

I am looking for a old brown female griffin. Please send picture + price. I can also trade a poad for a griffin.
Posted: 03/25/2025 Expires: 04/24/2025
Category: Griffins Price: Free
Looking for these special items

Looking for these special items

Looking for these items to add to my collection: Sitting young oriental dragon in gold/yellow and white, Grape candy resting ponycorn,
Posted: 03/24/2025 Expires: 04/23/2025
Category: Dragons Price: Free
Guardian Gargoyle Dragon

Guardian Gargoyle Dragon

Looking for a Guardian Gargoyle Dragon , A Gargoyle unicorn mine was lost many years ago
Posted: 03/23/2025 Expires: 04/22/2025
Category: Gargoyles Price: Free
WTB Black Gold Dragons

WTB Black Gold Dragons

Wanting to buy black gold dragons. Looking for the follow: Emperor Scratching Hatching Emperor Hatching Empress Hatching Kinglet Spectral Thank you!!
Posted: 03/22/2025 Expires: 04/21/2025
Category: Dragons Price: Free
Seeking White & Lavender Statues, Cats, Test Paints & Other Pieces

Seeking White & Lavender Statues, Cats, Test Paints & Other Pieces

Hi! I'm looking for the following pieces to add into my forever collection. White sculpts I'm looking for: hatching version 2,
Posted: 03/21/2025 Expires: 04/20/2025
Category: Dragons Price: Free
Dragons and More for Sale

Dragons and More for Sale

Updated 2-4-25 - TAKE 25% OFF THE LISTED PRICE BELOW PROVIDED PAYMENT IS RECEIVED BY FEBRUARY 7, 2025 INCLUDES SECRET KEEPERS AND PROTOTYPE OLD WARRIOR All items are in excellent condition and have their original boxes unless otherwise noted below.
Posted: 03/21/2025 Expires: 04/20/2025
Category: Other Price: Free
Wanted black nebula female hippo

Wanted black nebula female hippo

Wanted black nebula female hippo If the person who won the auction of the black nebula female hyppo is having buyer remorse.
Posted: 03/19/2025 Expires: 04/18/2025
Category: Other Price: Free
Rare Black Robed Wizard

Rare Black Robed Wizard

This wizard is 12 3/4″ tall. He carries a faceted crystal and has an amethyst colored jewel set in his ring.
Posted: 03/18/2025 Expires: 04/17/2025
Category: Wizards Price: $ 350.00
Peacock Female Hearth Dragon

Peacock Female Hearth Dragon

My mom gave me a Male Peacock Dragon for Easter when I was a child, and my collection has grown immensely both in size and sentimental value.
Posted: 03/15/2025 Expires: 04/14/2025
Category: Dragons Price: $ 600.00
Wanted/Seeking WINDSTONE BOXES Male Unicorn boxes, a Mother Kirin box and a few more too....

Wanted/Seeking WINDSTONE BOXES Male Unicorn boxes, a Mother Kirin box and a few more too....

Wanted/Seeking male unicorn boxes, mother kirin box, male pegasus box, a mother pegasus box, lying Grizzly bear cub box, a tabby cat box,
Posted: 03/15/2025 Expires: 04/17/2025
Category: Unicorns Price: Free