I don’t know if its my own internet connection or our website, but I keep getting a “The connection was reset” page. I’ve alerted our web person, however I was wondering if other people are having this problem? It seems really slow too. If you cannot post here – try our facebook page. Thank you!
Seems to go in fits and starts for me… Sometimes things are perfectly perfect other times it’s frustratingly slow and I sometimes get access denied screens…
twindragonsmum: When did you last get that Access Denied screen, and what did you click on before it popped up? I got one of those maybe April 1 or 2, when I logged in – but then I clicked on something else and I was logged in, no problem, and it hasn’t happened since. We tried to get it to do it again and couldn’t.
It happens every time I try to log in – so when I finally did get logged in I’ve stayed logged in; prolly not the smartest thing to do but I were gettin’ frustertated as my great nephew sayeth… The last time I tried logging in was April 5th-ish…