they say it’s an emerald but it really looks like there’s blue there to me…which makes me think emerald peacock but the eyes and stones are wrong for that one…are my eyes deceiving me or did someone switch out some eyes and stones?
I’m sure the affect is caused by the flash on the person’s camera. The eyes and gems should be a deep red and they look washed out, especially the eyes, which look more deep orange than the deeper red. Artificial lighting will also affect the final color of the subject.
When I take photos of any items I want to post, I try to photograph my subjects in natural light if I can, I keep my flash off, and then work with the exposure and brightness/contrast settings in PhotoShop on my image for this very reason. I found that doing this offsets any color or ‘bleaching’ issues the flash could give the subject by adjusting the settings to bring the picture of my item closer to it’s more realistic colors.
Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon
*~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
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