
Poem or Story about the Circle of Cats candlelamp

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      Is anyone familiar with a poem or story about the Circle of Cats candlelamp? Someone has written to us who saw one in a shop window back in the year 2000, in Sedona Arizona. She’s trying to track it down. Anybody got any clues?


        Is anyone familiar with a poem or story about the Circle of Cats candlelamp? Someone has written to us who saw one in a shop window back in the year 2000, in Sedona Arizona. She’s trying to track it down. Anybody got any clues?

        Do you mean the “A Circle of Cats” by Charles De Lint? I don’t know if it is really about the candle lamp but it is about a circle of cats.


          No, I don’t think so. It sounds like it was a poem or story on one page.


            No, I don’t think so. It sounds like it was a poem or story on one page.

            Gosh, I wish we could find it! Sounds great!


              This one? The search was “circle of cats” poem.

              The link is here: http://www.ioniahost.com/laura_r/poems-03/jan-03/circles-of-cats.htm

              This is the poem (I hope I am not violating copyright by posting it):

              Circles of Cats

              Circle of cats around the flame,
              Watching intently mesmerized,
              Helping light the darkness deep,
              In this room tonight with me.

              Like in my life my puddy friends,
              Joys and comforts do we share,
              Grief and sorry made much easier,
              With their purring attentive ways.

              Out for a romp today in the sun,
              The younger two did frolic,
              Enjoying the running freedom,
              That they were born to enjoy.

              Such wise lessons from felines,
              We could learn if we would,
              Enjoy the moment, seize the day,
              Chase a butterfly, poetry in motion.

              Learn we could too,
              From their relaxed demeanor,
              Ne’er a care in the world,
              Never see a cat with insomnia.

              I think Karma would be kind,
              If in my next reincarnation,
              I came back as a lap cat,
              With such elegance and ease.

              Laura R


                I also found “Circle Cats” by Betsy Stowe.

                CIRCLE CATS
                Circle cats purr
                And circle cats dream.
                Circle cats twitch
                And circle cats smile,
                But most of all,
                Circle cats love.

                They are never-ending.

                It seems to be from a book called “Calico Tales … And Others”. Another poem of hers will resonate with many people on the Forum:

                THE FORGIVEN
                A little waif, you came to me,
                An orphan in the storm,
                Abandoned, friendless, out upon the lane.
                The lightning flashed, the thunder crashed;
                You wanted to get warm,
                And so you scratched upon my windowpane.

                You cried and, wide-eyed, so politely
                Asked me for a meal.
                What heartless person could resist your plea?
                You rubbed my ankles, purred out loud,
                And so we made a deal:
                I’d keep you safe and you’d sit on my knee.

                Now years have passed. I’ve sheltered you,
                I’ve fed and kissed you, too
                And you’re a good boy, there is not a doubt
                But you’ve no time for gracing laps.
                A broken promise? True.
                But you are home, and that’s what love’s about.

                (I will stop looking now 🙂 )

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