
Travel Suggestions!

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      SO, I am planning on doing something Ive always wanted to do in my adult life, starting January 1, 2013……TRAVEL!! Ive only ever been to Louisiana, North Carolina, El Paso (its NOT part of Texas! Its in another time zone, I wont claim it!), Oklahoma, Arkansas (I was 12, went with parents, wasn’t exciting trip) and my one place to compensate for a less than exciting travel life-Switzerland to visit GreaterBasalisk.

      I have a goal: EITHER visit 13 states in 2013 OR by 12-31-13, I want to have visited 13 states in my life…which would mean 8 states. I definatly want to go to Oregon, Washington state, New York, Maryland, Lousiana (again-I like the jazz/cajun culture).

      I’m excited! I took a first step today! In June 2013, I’ll be in South Carolina. A good friend of mine used to live there, and his birthday is in June. He really helped me through the breakup, moving, and all the other emotional crap Ive been through lately, so as a present to him, I’m taking him back to SC for his birtday.

      SO! What I need from you guys are suggestions of where to go and what to do and see.
      I love local things and little hole in the wall restaraunts, music and weird things (like, in Houston there’s a funeral museum, in San Antonio, there’s rail road tracks that are supposedly haunted and you can stop your car on the tracks and put the car in neutral and ghost children will push your car over the tracks…or Acid Park in North Carolina).

      I will be doing weekend things-flying out on Friday evening, and returning on Sunday night. I’ll be glad to meet up with anyone that wants to, too πŸ™‚


        What area (or areas) of NY are you looking at? Western, NYC or Eastern/Northern?


          If you head out to Oregon, let me know. πŸ™‚ I’m sure you’ll want to hit Windstone and I can always drive down and say hi while you’re there. We’re closer to Portland, so if you want to see any of that area, there’s loads of cool things. Like Voodoo donuts!


          If you come through Idaho to get to Oregon, stop by here, we have a beautiful river, caves, & a lake we can take you to, oh and a Zoo & water park!



            Woohoo! Travel! When I lived in eastern Washington my husband and I took a few weekend trips to Seattle. A good weekend is the underground tour and then the space needle. I can’t wait to hear your adventures!


              I can’t give any advice since I don’t live in the States but it sounds exicting!


                If you like places that are notorious for being creepy, check this website out! One of my friends goes away every year around Halloween to the creepiest places in the US. I know he bases a lot of his decisions from this website (below). He says that so far, none of them have ever disappointed him!
                (One of these days, I would LOVE to go to these areas! They sound like so much fun!)

                (“Overnight Frights: 9 Spooky Stays”)


                If you’re ever in New Jersey, there is a fun activity that quite a number of people do here. All you need is a book or some magazines called “Weird NJ” that chronicle all of the strangest places, events, and myths throughout the state. If you use it as a travel guide, you can visit a tremendous amount of really unusual places throughout New Jersey that are considered strange, haunted, and abandoned. They’ve been investigating places since 1989, so the places to visit seem endless!

                (*The creators of “Weird NJ” have branched out to other states over the past few years. So if you go to a different state, it’s worth checking to see if they have any “Weird (state) ” magazines to use as a travel guide!)

                Now for a step in a different direction: There is also Moab, Utah. I went there a couple years ago and it seriously was one of the best places I have ever gone to in my entire life! Not only is the area beautiful, but the people there are so friendly and patient, and there’s endless amounts of activities to do! πŸ™‚ So if that sounds like something you’d be interested in, here is their website!


                I hope this helps!


                  oh my goodness! Great suggestions already! I am *definatly* going to Oregon and Washington state. They sound like Heaven to me. Lots of rain, big old growth trees, clean rivers (only muddy and polluted bayous here -_-) mountains, berries and hippies-all so I hear.
                  No definate plans on which part of any state-Im keeping it open for suggestion and fate πŸ™‚ Here is kind of what I am thinking…

                  May-Georgia (I want to eat some real Georgia peaches-no I haven’t researched when they are in season yet, but Im assuming summer)
                  June-South Carolina
                  July-Maine (yes, Im going for the lobster lol) and maybe some nearby states if possible
                  August-possibly Maryland. I’ve heard you can get a BUCKET ‘O lobster tails in the summer for like $10 {saw it on Rachel Ray $40 a day-I want to find that place!} but Ive also heard Maryland has a beautiful Fall season. We dont get Fall/Autumn in Houston…most of the trees are pine trees and other ever greens :- and maybe hit up Virgina if theres time.
                  Indiana in October/November (of next year)
                  Oregon in October/November
                  December-New York (I want to see NYC at Christmas time, all lit up πŸ™‚ and the big giant Christmas tree)

                  Nothing is set in stone of course, but those are what I’d *like* to do.

                  I’ll be flying to save on time (and really, with all the stops for food and gas, long distances are probably cheaper to fly).

                  Puffpastry-Yes! Ive heard of those books! πŸ˜€ When I was in North Carollina in 2010, I found a copy of “The Weird Carolinas” at a Barnes and Noble. I looked through it for suggestions. I found (and bought) a copy of “Weird Texas” which is how I found out about the funeral museum. Its right down the road from me and I never knew about it! I asked my mom and she said, “Oh, yeah I know where that is” O.O Moms know everything lol That is a really great series of books!

                  Underground tour? Like….literally under ground? O.O


                    July-Maine (yes, Im going for the lobster lol) and maybe some nearby states if possible

                    Hey, you’ll almost be nextdoor to me!

                    If you can manage a detour to Montreal, I’ll have a guest bedroom for you! πŸ˜‰

                    Plus Summer is Festival season in Montreal!



                      You cam fly into Indianapolis or Chicago. If you fly into Chicago, you can kill 2 states w/ 1 trip. Indiana and Illinois. Lol….

                      Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
                      Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
                      Sun Dragon Koi #3


                        You cam fly into Indianapolis or Chicago. If you fly into Chicago, you can kill 2 states w/ 1 trip. Indiana and Illinois. Lol….

                        My jet-setting cousin suggested I visit Chicago, so I just might do that! πŸ˜€

                        Montreal….oooooo! I had not considered visiting Canada. If I dont make it out there while I’m in Maine, I’ll try and fly directly to Canada sometime and visit. πŸ™‚ I’d love to see more countries in my life time, but *that* typically gets expensive faaast.


                          If you want to go to Canada, just remember to budget time and money to get a passport. And if you want to fly, you have to get the full booklet, not just the passport card (although you can get both if you want).


                            Autumn in Ky is lovely if you head this way. πŸ™‚


                              You cam fly into Indianapolis or Chicago. If you fly into Chicago, you can kill 2 states w/ 1 trip. Indiana and Illinois. Lol….

                              My jet-setting cousin suggested I visit Chicago, so I just might do that! πŸ˜€

                              Montreal….oooooo! I had not considered visiting Canada. If I dont make it out there while I’m in Maine, I’ll try and fly directly to Canada sometime and visit. πŸ™‚ I’d love to see more countries in my life time, but *that* typically gets expensive faaast.

                              If you like weird and unusual, you can actually do a ghost hunt in Old Montreal. You get a list of clues that send you out into the old city and you can meet ghosts (played by local actors) who will tell you their stories, how they died and why they haunt these places, etc. These are all true stories, although I’m not sure about the actual ghosts! πŸ˜‰


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