:8) The next batches of Paint Your Owns will have penciled dates or the letter D on the bottom of them. Please do not be alarmed! These are not negative markings – (that D is NOT a grade!!!) they are markings we normally put on everything EXCEPT the PYO’s – we have some new Elves that did not know that we try to keep the bottoms of the PYO’s bare. Please forgive them. :love:
Most of my PYOs I’ve gotten have either had a date scratched into the bottom of them or a D scratched into them… I never thought much of it, just figured that was something that ya’ll did XD lol. My Keeper I’m working on right now is I’m guessing a 1-27-12 batch XD since that’s what his says, lol
We’ve discussed it here, and its much better for us if the notations be made on the PYO bottoms – you’ll be seeing pencil or scratched initials and dates from now on. This way when the guys are sitting on a shelf we Know Stuff about their history!