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      Tell me again why I live in Idaho and not So Cal????? Oh yeah, this is where the job is… It is so darn cold today and we have a storm front moving in so lots and lots and lots of wind (hope the roof stays put. me boyohs are hoping for a snowday from school tomorrow :bigsmile: )

      twindragonsmum πŸ™‚



        I understand how you feel! It’s been in the negatives here since the beginning of November!!! Too cold to do anything, just about.
        I wish I could hibernate in my house all winter like a bear πŸ˜€


          You and me both! I think my fingers and toes are permanently purple… even the dog doesn’t want to go out! Oi!

          twindragonsmum πŸ™‚



            But the cost of living in California would make you wish for the cold again in a hurry.


              Very true! Cost of living in Idaho leaves me with some wiggle room in the budget for Windstones πŸ˜‰

              twindragonsmum :bigsmile:



                Snow Day what’s that? πŸ˜› I don’t think I’ve ever had a snow day. A couple of what you might call “Cold” days while I was at school but that’s it. Here you’d need about 2 ft of snow to drop in less than 24h for a snow day and 1 ft in a day is a really bad snow fall here. That said this is one of those weeks when you really really want a snow day(minus the snow cause you wouldn’t want to leave the house to shovel the walks). We’ve been having a nice warm winter with things staying close to 0(32F) and then this week it drop to an average of -25C plus wind. Let’s just say walking to the bus hasn’t been very fun. Winter’s here for real now!!!

                (By “Cold” day I’m reffering to the fact that one of the few things to close schools here is at least -30C(as a high) weather but sometimes it takes even colder to close the schools)


                  (By “Cold” day I’m reffering to the fact that one of the few things to close schools here is at least -30C(as a high) weather but sometimes it takes even colder to close the schools)

                  We have to drop to -25F (including wind chill factors) before school closes – we are expecting snow tonight and the next couple of days and if the wind keeps up me boyohs may just get their wish πŸ˜‰ Walking to the bus in this kind of weather is surely downright miserable! Brrrrrrr!!! *shivers*

                  twindragonsmum πŸ™‚



                    Crossing my fingers that they get their snow day! I miss those days!!


                      I’m in CA, but it’s northern CA, and we’ve froze like 3 nights in a row, it’s under 30 frickin degrees here. Had to cover the pipes and the fruit trees. I’m hunting for a water-proof heating pad for the strays I take care of. They have a little insulated house, but still, a heat pad would be nice.

                      But now that the rain is coming it’s warming up, sigh. I’ve always wanted to live in a place with seasonal snow…a little bit of snow sounds fun!


                        It’s been pretty cold for Southern California too. Lately nights in San Diego it’s gotten into the mid-40s quite often, and high 30s. It’s not nearly as bad as you guys all have it, but pretty nippy for the area…

                        [dodges frozen tomatoes]



                          TDM I just worked it out -25F is about -31C so your schools close at about the same temperature. Either unit unless you live in the arctic/antarctic -25 is freeking cold.

                          30-40F would feel down right balmy right now. πŸ˜› I might even put a light coat on and I hate being cold. But then I’ve been crazy enough the last few years to suntan in shorts and a tee outside on a nice February afternoon colder than that. πŸ˜€


                            Tell the boyohs to enjoy the time off! πŸ™‚

                            I’m just south of FlamingDragon so been in the same deep freeze for the last week. It was -32C (-26F) here last night. With the windchill it pushed it down to -50C (-58F). A week ago we were having daytime highs of 9C (48F). Gotta love living in a place where the temp can swing by 30 degrees in a day! πŸ˜›

                            The last ‘Snow Day’ we had here was St. Patty’s of ’99 (i think) when we got a meter of snow in less than 12hrs. That was a really rare occurance, usually we get ‘It’s $@^&$ freezing days’ but even then I can only remember 2 when I was in school.

                            My College has a cold weather policy, if the daytime high is -25C (-13F) or below, no class. So today I had a whole extra day to work on my homework! :bigsmile:


                              I’m in CA, but it’s northern CA, and we’ve froze like 3 nights in a row, it’s under 30 frickin degrees here. Had to cover the pipes and the fruit trees. I’m hunting for a water-proof heating pad for the strays I take care of. They have a little insulated house, but still, a heat pad would be nice.

                              But now that the rain is coming it’s warming up, sigh. I’ve always wanted to live in a place with seasonal snow…a little bit of snow sounds fun!

                              Try a gardening store. Sometimes you can find seedling mats (flat heating pads meant to be put under seedling flats, so they are water resistant though not water proof).


                              I live in northern alberta and we hit -40c the last few days and no school busses running. Schools still open and kids attending but I have had to drive my son to school so he doesn’t get frost bite. BRRRRRRR it is darn chilly. We were having such a nice mild winter to! What the heck happened……..January decided to rear it’s ugly head and deep freeze us. And the worst part…not even enough snow for skiing. Double bummer!


                                The no snow thing is what gets to me… If we have to deal with the cold at least we could have something pretty to look at. (Mind you I only want to LOOK not shovel or drive in it, just sit inside with a warm blanket and a cup of cocoa and admire through a well insulated window.)

                                I spent the last two years in Phoenix, and thought that I’d finally get to see some snow, but nope just this bitter cold spell with no winter wonderland. πŸ™

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