
Randomness Sale FW OW SOLD

Home Forums Administration Flea Market Randomness Sale FW OW SOLD

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  • #504084

    Testing the waters just to see if anyone is interested.

    I am thinking of selling some of my pieces:

    Black Gold coiled mother- She has been displayed but I don’t see any scratches

    Red Fire OW NIB- offer SOLD

    Still yes still trying to sell Mr.Bengal male Griffin #1- nothing less than 2200 the Ex payed 2600 for him

    Brown Male Griffin- He has some paint rubbed off near his bum and front feet

    I may add some more here in the next few weeks!

    Thanks for looking!


      PM’D YOU


        Pmed about RF OW.


        I believe I have gotten back to everyone who PMed me. I had no clue this guy was so popular! He’s like the Johnny Depp of Dragons! I believe I am going to have to take offers to make it fair. I already have a few so I will be posting the highest one as soon as I wake up tomorrow. I am really tired tonight.

        Here is the pic of him



        I will be taking offers for the RF OW until this Friday at 9pm EST. Please feel free to PM me with any questions.

        Current offer-500


          PM’D YOU AGAIN


          I am going to be changing the offer in the first post for the OW so just keep a look out for it there! Thanks! ^_^


          RF OW is now sold!

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