PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make these for the store! The don;t even have to be tiger necessarily I just love that bunny with horns. It reminds me of my best friends family as they have tons of jackalope stuff around the house
Pink would fine for ebay maybe, but I’s love to see some tiger jackalopes in the store. Or maybe grab bag ones? Paint them like different kinds of bunny colors :).
lol maybe not pink… Maybe a jack rabbit coloring or something more natural? I dunno… I’ll be curious to see what ends up being the color if you decide to do them 🙂
Please jackalopes for the store *puppy eyes*
I love that Himalayan bunny but any color would be fine with me, though grab bag ones done in all natural bunny colors would be a hoot!
AH! ME TOO, Wolfen!! I had all of them when I was a kid! I found an old-as-dirt hardcover copy at a Half Price Books a couple years ago and I just had to have it for nostalgic reasons! They’re such cute books! :bigsmile: