Stuart Ziff

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        Jennifer wrote: pic of Amiral Ackbar in Windstone ebay auctions oct. 11, pg,17

        Melody wrote:
        I remember that guy!Our friend, Stuart Ziff, designed and built the eye blink mechanism for him.
        The old days= before c.g. animation

        Melody! You shoulda just heard me boyohs squeal like little girls! They sooooo would love to meet Stuart Ziff. Admiral Ackbar is one of their most fav. Star Wars characters and can quote ALL his lines word for word! You should hear them (boyohs) quote everything in “stereo”, twinspeak for speaking at exactly the same time with exactly the same tones and inflections and you have one boyoh standing on each side of you… It happens A LOT at our house πŸ™„ πŸ™„

        twindragonsmum πŸ˜† 😈 πŸ˜†



          twindragonsmum wrote:

          Jennifer wrote: pic of Amiral Ackbar in Windstone ebay auctions oct. 11, pg,17

          Melody wrote:
          I remember that guy!Our friend, Stuart Ziff, designed and built the eye blink mechanism for him.
          The old days= before c.g. animation

          Melody! You shoulda just heard me boyohs squeal like little girls! They sooooo would love to meet Stuart Ziff. Admiral Ackbar is one of their most fav. Star Wars characters and can quote ALL his lines word for word! You should hear them (boyohs) quote everything in “stereo”, twinspeak for speaking at exactly the same time with exactly the same tones and inflections and you have one boyoh standing on each side of you… It happens A LOT at our house πŸ™„ πŸ™„

          twindragonsmum πŸ˜† 😈 πŸ˜†
          John and I used to visit the “creature shops” when Stuart was working on Star Wars, we got to see the artists creating a lot of the the space ship models, robots and stop motion creature-puppets …we all assumed it was going to be another shlocky low budget sci-fi movie, we had no idea what it was to become, … oy!
          You should video your kids doing one of those routines and put it on you tube- I’d love to see it!

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