I don’t know if there’s another topic about chocolate so… what’s your favorite chocolate?
I love Abdallah sea salt caramels. :yum: http://www.abdallahcandies.com/SEA-SALT-CARAMELS-P1622.aspx
Even if you don’t like dark chololate, the salt takes just enough of the “bitter” taste out so you can eat half a pound in one sitting. 😀
I like Abdallah better than Ghiradelli and Godiva, and the price isn’t outrageous.
Pick some up sometime for yourself. 😉
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Is there such a thing as BAD chocolate? 😮 It’s all good,it’s chocolate!!YUMMM…Lindt is at the top of my list that I have had the pleasure of tasting so far 🙂
Every act matters.No matter how small💞
(Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.
Yes, there is. If it’s too sweet, or doesn’t contain enough cocoa…
Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.
Yes, there is. If it’s too sweet, or doesn’t contain enough cocoa…
I don’t like any cherry chocolate, or really dark like 90%+ or anything.. Way to bitter for my buds.
If and when I do eat chocolate, I prefer Lindt 70% cocoa dark chocolate (I think). But I don’t really eat chocolate all that much. Was never the biggest fan, and being a diabetic certainly didn’t help that!