
My Turn to Freak Out

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      After what was a lovely long weekend here in Canada…hubby went to work this morning and then called me at 9:00am. He was let go at work. Now I’m freakin’ cause I’m not working, and I’m trying to plan a bloody wedding. I’m wondering how we’re going to pay everything off, I’m wondering if this is going to screw up our credit. We’ve put deposits on everything so I really don’t want to take the hit if we end up canceling anything (and I love the stuff and people that we’re using so I don’t want to lose any of them either). I’m not wondering wether to tell my parents (that would be a big No Freakin’ Way), I don’t need them calling every day to see if things have changed. My mind is racing at this point. :shout:

      Three lucky things though, one…hubby printed out our invitations on their big printer at work last Thursday. Second, the severance package they gave him will pay him, his regular salary until September. Third, we still get health benefits until Sept or til he gets a new job (that is a big one since my meds would cost us about $300 a month otherwise).

      I have to say that the company is going to h@ll in a handbasket this way. They let go of 30% of their staff last year (just before Christmas too), so out of a total of 55, they had 16 people left. They let go of 2 key people in February, they just had 3 other people quit, and now they’ve let go of another 5 people today. It’s an advertising agency that is based out of New York. They just can’t seem to understand that advertising (especially in the pharma division) is drastically different in Canada. All they’re looking at is the final $ numbers.

      Okay, rant over. It’s taken me hours to calm down enough to even come on here. Please, just good thoughts would be nice.



          Yikies, Jasmine! That is scary 😮 That’s what happened to us – though we were extremely blesses/lucky (however you want to put it) and my hubby found an excellent job and we sold our house all in the same day :yes: And while I hate packing the house and getting ready for another move I know I shouldn’t aught to complain… *’cept I’m good at throwing hissy fits…* 😳 Huge hugs for you! I’ll all work out for the best :yes:

          twindragonsmum :yes:



            Oh Hun, I’m so sorry this happened to you! 🙁 Believe me, you have plenty of company when it comes to the anxieties of being let go from a job and have plans, bills to pay. Just letting you know that I’m sending you plenty of hugs, encouragement and cyber chocolates! I sincerely hope something comes up for your husband in the way of work and very, very soon! Also, hope you won’t have to cancel your wedding plans and everything will go beautifully for you on that special day!


              we have a term here for these kinds of situations “þetta reddast” (things will fix themselves) and that’s what got Icelanders through years of depression and dim situations, I just pray that things will get better for you,


                Wishing you the best in a scary situation, and I hope one of you can find a job before September. 🙁 Don’t let the stress get to you!




                    The entire pharma industry is going nuts; trust me, I know! Been there… Hopefully, he can freelance while looking for something else, like I did. Don’t change anything in your wedding plans – you guys will make it happen. Give it a few days for it to sink in (for him to get over the anger/whatever emotion’s getting to him the most) and for you guys to find out how the market is out there for him.

                    Big hugs!

                    Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                    I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                    Oh, huge hugs! I know I was seriously freaking out regularily when I didn’t have a job (that $300/month med bill is about what mine is, and that’s WITH health insurance… *auwk*).

                    Things will work out. Take a few days, calm down a bit, and then have him start looking for another job. He still has pay until September, and health benefits until then as well, so you can not worry about immediate money problems while he sticks his nose, and resume, out on the market.

                    And here’s some huge *hugs* right now! All the reassurances in the world mean nothing when you’re worried ’bout things like this (haha been there done that), but a hug always makes you feel better!


                    *hugs* I’m so sorry – I hope he finds a job soon. If he does find a job before September will the company still pay his severance package? I was just wondering because if they do he could actually make more money! Just a positive thought. (And I tried to reply earlier today but it looks like my computer ate the post – either that or I posted it in another thread where it completely doesn’t make sense! 😀 )


                      The one bright thing is that you do have money coming in and health benefits for the next few months which gives you and hubby time to plan and him to look for another job. Hugs and good luck


                        Thanks everyone!! I so lubs you guys!! I have calmed down, I think it was just that it hit so fast. No real warning at all. He needs to work on his portfolio to get it out there. And he has a lot of friends in the industry so they’re all looking for him too. 😀 I just hope he finds something quick or we’ll end up killing each other. 😈 Having him on the computer all day is already cramping my style. 😳

                        ddvm – yup, he still gets his severance even if he finds a job before September. All we lose is the health benefits. So if he gets a job sooner, we actually come out ahead.


                          I am so terribly sorry to hear that this happened to you guys. *Hugs tight* Sending many prayers, positive thoughts, etc. that he finds work before September, and that you won’t have to cancel any of your Wedding plans! Everything will work out in the end, hon! <3


                            I’m so sorry you are going thru this now
                            The idea of a Winsstone Commune sounds better everytime I think about it


                            Sorry to hear about your troubles :(, i wish you the best of luck. Hopefully things start looking better in the near future.

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