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      Yesterday on my way to work my car stated acting REAL funny
      I could not go above 55 and less in some cases
      I have to go over a mountain but it’s a very slow incline
      on the way up I was not getting a good response from the car but on the way down it seemed better. then the engine just stopped
      I knew I needed an oil change and thought with the white smoke had overheating engine it could have run dry but that seemed strange with being just over the miles for the oil change.
      I was in the slow lane so I pulled over to the Emergency lane and had to get towed off the freeway then towed to the shop where I waws informed I was supposed to have the timing belt changed at 105,000 miles, this was also my oil change mileage but they never told me about the timing belt when I had my last oil change
      IF that is the ONLY problem it’s going to run about $700 that I don’t have but the service advisor also said it could have damaged or broken/bent some Pistons I think he said, sorry to tired to remember now. If that happend then I could be looking in the thousands for repairs
      I don’t know what I’m going to do
      I talked the bike shop into lowering my final repair bill from my bike accident last year so I will be getting the bike back today and it’s a 750CC so it’s big enough for freeway travel and I own the bike outright in just under a year
      😈 🙄 😈 🙄 😈 🙄 😈 🙄



        Yikes! That’s tough. 🙁 Hang in there. This too shall pass!


          Yeah, you kind of need to have that timing belt changed ever so often, because if it breaks, you’re not going anywhere, period. and yes, it’s an expensive repair/maintenance, they have to pretty much take your engine compartment apart to get in and put it where it needs to go, so labor cost is high. Though it’s a $300 repair around here, or used to be. Difference between Illinois and California, I reckon.


          cars are evil money pits. 👿


            Aww that sucks.. 😮 I changed my own timing belt in my old car, you really have to know what ur doing tho cuz if you line the belt up wrong, it could really damage the engine.

            Just hang on, it will all work out in the end. :bye:


              I’m so sorry, DM. It never rains, but pours. *sigh* My best thoughts go out to you! *hugs*


                lamortefille wrote:

                I’m so sorry, DM. It never rains, but pours.

                My thoughts exactly!

                Big hugs!

                Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                  Sorry you are having a bad time. 1st the job and now the car. When it rains it pours, but hopefully the sun will come out later! Hugs!!!!

                  I am joking of course, but if you want to sell one of those Gold Leaf Hatchers……..but, I know you wouldn’t ever part with one of them. 🙄


                    I found out today I had a small leak in my radiator and ran the engine dry and it seazed on me. It was not oil dry but coolant dry
                    My Insurance expired last week and I was going to get it taken care of this week. I had bought Gap insurance when I bought the car but I think that only applies if the car get totalled and the insurance I have at the time does not cover the entire balance I owe on the loan
                    I’m also not one for insurance fraud so I have no idea what to do at present


                      keschete wrote:

                      Sorry you are having a bad time. 1st the job and now the car. When it rains it pours, but hopefully the sun will come out later! Hugs!!!!

                      I am joking of course, but if you want to sell one of those Gold Leaf Hatchers……..but, I know you wouldn’t ever part with one of them. 🙄
                      I might not have a choice in the matter. I just would HATE to sell anything in this economy because I would not get anything NEAR what they are worth


                      Dragon Master wrote:

                      I found out today I had a small leak in my radiator and ran the engine dry and it seazed on me. It was not oil dry but coolant dry
                      My Insurance expired last week and I was going to get it taken care of this week. I had bought Gap insurance when I bought the car but I think that only applies if the car get totalled and the insurance I have at the time does not cover the entire balance I owe on the loan
                      I’m also not one for insurance fraud so I have no idea what to do at present

                      When you said white smoke, my heart sank. I blew the motor in my 1978 Thunderbird years ago. Yeah, gotta keep some antifreeze/coolant in those babies.
                      It does pour when it rains though. Today while just a mile from home the Grand Am decided it didn’t want to start anymore. Something in the main control fuse box is clicking and she ain’t turning over no mo’! So maybe it’s time for cars to crap out. 🙄
                      *Hugs* You’re not alone DM.


                        Sorry about the car, DM! Yeah when it rains it pours!!!! Personally, I’m a little sick and tired of the rain–know what I mean? You need some sunshine right now DM and hope it comes your way soon!


                          I”m so sorry hun. 😥


                            DM & WSC, I’m so sorry for the car problems.

                            DM, I hope things start looking up soon….. 🙁

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