
Windstone Tattoos!

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  • #812395
    Crimson Vision

      I was just looking through a friend of mine’s (who happens to be a tattoo artist) pics on Facebook and look what I found!!

      I think it’s fantastic!

      Anyone else have or seen a Windstone tattoo?

      Crimson Vision


        LOL… that is AWESOME. if i liked tattoos, i would get a flap cat. no question about that.


          Very cool! 😀

          Here’s mine right after it was done…can’t find a good one of it healed.


            Awesome but OUCH!


            WOW! how cool is that!


            That is so cool. I’d totally get a Windstone tattoo… but I’d ask first. For now I’ll be happy with my in-progress Jennifer griffin. 😀


              If I were to get a tattoo, I would get a small Red Fire Scratcher or something similar. My brother wants me to get one with him some day SO bad, but I dunno. :scratch:
              We’ll see 😉


                Just for the record, I did ask Miss Melody for permission first and the flash was destroyed after it was finished. I would love one done of Jen’s work. I have the piece in mind, too. Getting Jen’s permission would probably be the easiest part. If she said yes, I would have to decide where to put it. Then, I would have to whine, cajole, beg, etc., my guy to do it. He is a rough tough biker type and winged cats just go against his grain. 😆

                As for the “ouch” factor, it totally depends on where you have the tattoo placed on your body. More fat = less pain. My finger tattoo was the worst…it is small, but felt like it took forever. Mel’s cat was a piece of cake. Dang it, all this talk and now I want more ink. 🙂


                I think I actually wouldn’t mind the Bad Cat candlelamp or a peacock Secret Keeper. 😀 Not to mention I would like to get a good detailed tat. My family is paying for one on my 18th b-day. 🙂


                lamortefille wrote:

                Very cool! 😀

                Here’s mine right after it was done…can’t find a good one of it healed.

                Wow! Great tattoo! I really like the details added to it as well… :yes:

                Crimson Vision

                  Lamortefille I love the tattoo! The shading si beautiful and I really like the roses & skulls you added. Beautiful!

                  I’m getting another tattoo this year once I reach my goal weight; won’t be a Windstone tattoo but i can understand you mentioning wanting more ink! 😉


                    Thank you, Crimson! What do you want to get? Please share photos when you get yours. 😀

                    Crimson Vision

                      lamortefille wrote:

                      Thank you, Crimson! What do you want to get? Please share photos when you get yours. 😀

                      Well one of my artist friends (not the tatoo artist, just a friend that can draw on the computer) just finalized the design for me today actually!

                      It’s the crown that I wore while I was Queen for our medieval reenactment group (SCA.org) and then a tudor rose edited a bit to have the Black Star in the center which is the symbol for our kingdom. This would be my 4th tattoo… well technically my 5th but I actually had the tattoo that was where this one is going removed. (Loooong story) It’s going on my left arm.


                        lamortefille wrote:

                        Just for the record, I did ask Miss Melody for permission first and the flash was destroyed after it was finished. I would love one done of Jen’s work. I have the piece in mind, too. Getting Jen’s permission would probably be the easiest part. If she said yes, I would have to decide where to put it. Then, I would have to whine, cajole, beg, etc., my guy to do it. He is a rough tough biker type and winged cats just go against his grain. 😆

                        As for the “ouch” factor, it totally depends on where you have the tattoo placed on your body. More fat = less pain. My finger tattoo was the worst…it is small, but felt like it took forever. Mel’s cat was a piece of cake. Dang it, all this talk and now I want more ink. 🙂

                        You and anyone are welcome to use my work for personal tattoos– quite honestly I am flattered and honored! All I ask is the same that Melody asks– that the flash is destroyed (or, taken home with you). All I am wanting to prevent is the tattoo artist keeping it as ‘house flash’ or worse yet (and YES people do this!) .. sell it as flash to other tattoo shops. So, as long as the art is going on you and the tattoo shop/artist does not keep it, it’s cool with me!

                        Actually I’d love photos too!
                        I really like tattoos. I have one myself and hope to get a full set of wings on my back someday when I can afford it. It’s cliche I know, but who cares if it’s cliche if it has special lifelong meaning right? XD

                        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                        My art: featherdust.com

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