Hope this isn’t anyone’s listing here that I might upset (I’m pretty sure it isn’t) but I noticed they described this pieces as factory mint and there are definite scuff marks along the top crest on top of the head and possibly on the right horn in the picture. I sent a note to the seller but I just thought I would post this in case anyone else was thinking of bidding before the seller changes the description. I was really excited when I saw him, I’ve been waiting for a mint in box emerald emperor to pop up… but I guess this isn’t the one 🙁
Looks like there’s some scuffs/chips or something along his tail too, he is still a very pretty emp tho 🙂 . Too bad he doesnt appear to be as ‘new’ as he’s listed as…
There is also a Brown Male that has been listed as a “FIRE MAGIC DRAGON STATURE PEACOCK WINDSTONE EDITION”.
I sent the seller a message, just FYI so others don’t send them a note.
Well I just heard back from the emprors lister and they say they checked it over and what i’m seeing is reflection. I know it isn’t since I can see down to the gypsum. This sounds like a dishonest seller to me…
Actually, the bit on the crest does look like a reflection to me, too. o.o; But I do see some gold rubs and fleabites. He’s not “factory mint”, whatever the case. =
I looked it over as well, and I can see chips and rubs without trying very hard. Generally pictures HIDE flaws, so I do wonder how he looks in real life.
The only reason I think it isn’t a reflection is because i can see where the gold has rubbed away and then green where the gold should be and then white. So to me it looks like a pretty natural progression for a rub. In the close up picture of the head its the scale right between the horns that’s the most obvious, I doubt it could even be a reflection because its not at an angle where the light is directly hitting it. Sorry to be so technical but I spend a lot of time scrutinizing pictures of pieces I would be interested in. I’ve been burned many a time from the seller saying the piece is mint when its not and then when i look back at the pictures I can see where the flaws were that I would have seen if I looked closer.