
Welcome TalonaCat!

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      Here are two stickies that help you find Important links with lots of interesting stuff for all new members:


      Tell us a little about yourself and your passion for Windstones. 😀
      Oh! Almost forgot….Welcome to the Windstoneholics Anonymous… just kidding around!




        Thank you for the kind welcome!

        My story is a little, strange, so bear with me a moment while I explain. 😀

        Before I met my husband several years ago, I will admit to being ignorant to Windstone creations entirely.

        But he has been collecting the dragons for years! And I fell in love with his collection the very first time I ever saw them. That being said, about a year and a half ago, our house was broken in to while we were away at a family emergency, and all of his white dragons were stolen. It was made worse by the fact that they were given to him as a gift from his little sister who is no longer with us. I have been trying since then to rebuild his collection, but cannot seem to find them anywhere. I know they are retired, but I have no given up. I haven’t yet told him that I’m scouring the web for these treasures, because I don’t want to get his hopes up.

        I hope sincerely that these forums will make it possible for me to find what I am looking for, even if I have to break my bank to do it, dangit!

        And so my search begins! I hope to also make many good friends here!!! 🙂


          Glad you found us! Hopefully you’ll be able to find the missing pieces for your hubbys collection 😀 How sweet of you to do this for him! Welcome aboard! :hi:

          twindragonsmum 😀



          twindragonsmum wrote:

          Glad you found us! Hopefully you’ll be able to find the missing pieces for your hubbys collection 😀 How sweet of you to do this for him! Welcome aboard! :hi:

          twindragonsmum 😀

          As it turns out, someone is selling a white male dragon exactly like one of the ones he lost. I just called Dibs!! 😀


            YAY! 😀

            twindragonsmum 😀



            I am so ridiculously excited and giddy right now.. 😈


              First Windstones do that to you *make you giddy* On second thought, they ALL make you giddy (first, last or somewhere in the middle! :yes: XD 😈 :yes:

              twindragonsmum 😀



              I can already tell that I’m going to become completely addicted. I have my eyes on some of the griffons for myself. If he can have dragons, I can collect griffons.. 😉


                twindragonsmum wrote:

                First Windstones do that to you *make you giddy* On second thought, they ALL make you giddy (first, last or somewhere in the middle! :yes: XD 😈 :yes:

                twindragonsmum 😀
                Giddy… That’s it! 😆 Hehe, my 1st Dragon was just shipped today, a Red Fire Scratching. They are so darn cute.

                Oh and Welcome TalonCat!


                  Hi and welcome! Have fun buying. 😆


                    Hello and Welcome TalonaCat!



                        WELCOME FROM THE SUNSHINE STATE

                        Just remember Windstones are addictive


                        darjeb wrote:

                        WELCOME FROM THE SUNSHINE STATE

                        Just remember Windstones are addictive

                        I am finding this out quickly. 😀 Also toying with the idea of trying to get a PYO when I can. I’m an artist myself, and it would feel GREAT to pain one of these works of art.

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