Thanks everyone! 😀
Why yes GB, I am getting a new Windstone. Well, I got a couple. I traded for a Stone Cottage Candlelamp, which is totally freaking awesome! (Thanks again Setsuna!) And I am getting a Spooky from Scott! (Thanks Laphon!)
Glen is home sick with a heck of a cold…It kinda sucks, because I was thinking of taking him out to dinner since Scott is out of town right now. But, what can you do? I’ve spent the last 3 days cleaning and scouring my house, and I guess I musta shook up the germs more than vanquished them. 😕
O’well, he is sleeping now, and won’t be back up for a while probably, and maybe he will feel good enough to get out later. It’s aweful cold though. But, I do have to admit, it was nice to get up to a totally clean house on my birthday, and have nothing to do, but fold one load of towels I put in the dryer lastnight before bed. 😀 (And yes, I spent atleast a couple hours rearranging and cleaning my Windstones. 😳 )
I think I will paint today. 8)
Hope you all have a great day too! 🙂