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  • #803946

    …are planning to go on a little “Windstone Shopping Spree” when you get your tax refund? 😀

    For myself I have to behave, I need the money to pay off debt….but I plan on getting at least ONE thing (to make up for the losses I had to suffer, which are still bumming me out bigtime)…. *eyes the amythest curled*…. what do you plan to get?

    I know if I didn’t have this debt hounding me, I’d be using the money to buy an emporer, no questions asked! It would be the gold one, because I have two pieces in gold already and am looking to keep up with this color. I really, really like it, the brown and sometimes purple touches they put on the gold pieces is just stunning.

    If my return is bigger than I expect…I may be getting the gold male instead.



      I don’t get tax refunds (or it’s just $20 or so), I envy those who do. Enjoy! 🙂


        I will most likely owe. 🙄 😆


          Edit: Nevermind… mine went for bills.


            I wish. I will owe.

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            not this year… 😥


              I don’t have a job to do taxes for…


                I usually owe…. even though I’m in college and usually don’t even have enough during the winter to pay off the 50 or so dollars I owe 😡


                  NicoleH wrote:

                  I usually owe…. even though I’m in college and usually don’t even have enough during the winter to pay off the 50 or so dollars I owe 😡

                  Ow, that’s painful! When I was in college I got so much back…it was the best time of the year! 😆 That’s really unfortunate.


                  if I get anything back its going on the credit card, my resolution is to get out of debt this year. Part of it was getting rid of the new vehicle and driving a 15 year old Astro so I dont have a payment on that as well.


                    Im also doing the pay off some debt thing this time. I have been doing more of a spread out buying plan this year as opposed to the large, sporadic purchase. My big splurge will be a pink SK when it comes out… if it comes out! 🙂


                      Not sure if I’ll be getting money back or no—anyway, gots to watch the pennies now that I’m jobless. But I have so many pretties here already! So it’s okay for me to sit back for a while in more ways than one! 😀


                        Ohh…I wish I could, but unfortunatly I probably will not be getting a refund and will have to pay, which really sucks and if I do get anything back I will have to put it all towards Maks’s vet bills…. 🙁
                        :scratch: I think I’m starting to go through a fayse of Windstone withdrawl, I cannot remember the last time I purchased a piece for my collection and it has been a while now since I have done a PYO trade…. 🙁



                          No tax refunds here.

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