
I went to a

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        One of my neightbors is Jewish and their son had hs Bar Mitzvah last Saturday and they were nice enough to invite me, along with some of the other neightbors, and I had a great time. We went to the service at the Temple Beth El in the morning followed by a Kiddush Luncheon and in the evening there was a party at a country club and everything was great. I also got to try some food I had never eaten before. It was a great experience.


          How kind of them to invite you! We have lots of friends that are not of the same faith that our family is, but they have supported me boyohs in their religious decisions just as we have celebrated with and supported our friends children in their religious choices 😀 Congrats to your young friend! How fun for you to help celebrate such an important mile stone for him! 😀

          twindragonsmum 😀



            That sounds like a really neat experience! 🙂


              I have never been to a Bar Mitzvah before. What was it like? It’s always fun and interesting to experience new things. I love trying new foods.


                megamibabe16 wrote:

                I have never been to a Bar Mitzvah before. What was it like? It’s always fun and interesting to experience new things. I



                  megamibabe16 wrote:

                  I have never been to a Bar Mitzvah before. What was it like? It’s always fun and interesting to experience new things. I love trying new foods.

                  It started at 9:00 AM at the synogogue and had a lot of pagentry which lasted about 3 hours, which due to my hearing loss I couldn’t undestand a lot of it, followed by a Kiddush Luncheon in the lower level of the synogogue with a buffet with many different kinds of food – some of which were not familiar to me but I tried a little bit of everything and it was good. Also a fruit and desert table. In the evening the party was at a local country club. From the minute you walked in you were handed champagne and there were waiters everywhere with all kinds of goodies . A little later there was a buffet dinner which again was good. There was a dance floor and piano player all evening but the b/f wouldn’t get up an dance. We sat at a table with the neighbors and closed the party about 11:00 PM. There was a separate area for the kids and they had games with prizes and some kind of computer setup where the kid(s) were behind a screen coverd with green cloths and if you were watching it on the screen by the operator they were doing sillly dances but only the kid(s) head was showing above an on-screen body – it was very funny. Each kid received a complete DVD of it.


                  I’ve been to four of those parties…two for my boy cousins and two for my girl cousins…Jewish people know how to PAR-TAY! LOL The food was incredible, the dancing, the gifts….Bar Mitzvah celebrations are the best! 😀


                    Wow, it’s like an all day event. They must take a lot of preparation and seem like a lot of fun.


                      It’s a coming of age cerimony, kind of like the spanish Quinceañeras, or debutante balls. All day event with just about everyone and their grandmother invited. Formal denominational cerimony in the morning and then party the rest of the day! Some families are much more traditional and “propper” with them, other just throw a block party, and some just make it a private affair. Either way it’s a big deal in some faiths/cultures.

                      Glad you had fun! The jews really know how to party! Try to go to a jewish wedding one of these days, they’re crazy, LOTS of singing and dancing and food!

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