
PYO Appy Unicorn on eBay right now

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone PYO Appy Unicorn on eBay right now

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    I just wanted to say to the artist who painted this unicorn on eBay right now: http://cgi.ebay.com/Windstone-Apaloosa-pyo-unicorn_W0QQitemZ170403326151QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item27acd468c7
    that she is absolutely beautiful! 🙂

    I’m working on an “Opal-oosa” right now, lol. Looking interesting at the moment…

    Anyway, she’s gorgeous and congratulations to whoever wins her! 😀


      Wow! That is a gorgeous PYO piece! Congrats to the winner, and to the artist, incredible work! <3 <3 <3


        That was painted by Purplecat who doesn’t come around much anymore.


        yeah, she doesn’t come around much anymore 🙁 she does however have her own website http://www.purplecatcreatives.com/

        Purplecat does beautiful PYO’s. I have two of her dragons ^^ I freaking LOVE them. I’d been eyeing this unicorn in her store but I never got around to purchasing because I keep spending all my money on other things >.<


          Wow, I’ve never seen her work before! I LOVE that Clockwork Sparrow! Thanks so much for sharing her site! <3


          You’re welcome! I Have a few of her sculpture artwork too and I LOVES them too! ^^ (My Tatzlecat is soooooooooo cute)


            I’ve got one of her clockwork sparrows. Very nice! And my brother-in-law likes it too. My sparrow though.


              I might have to snag me one of those too!


                Purplecat does lovely work…I recommend her as well! 8)


                Thank you for posting that link to her gallery! 🙂 Her works are beautiful!


                she also has a store *hint hint*
                I think everyone should have a twittergriffin, they’re adorable
                I wish I could buy some of her stuff to paint for myself <3

                I want a keeper dragon painted by her x_x zomg I need to get ahold of a few keepers and beg her


                  Thanks for posting her site. I love her sculpture 😀 .


                    I was looking at the Appy Unicorn myself–she does beautiful work and there are some things on her site that I like. Again, so many pretties—not enough money :shrug: 🙄

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