
store pictures

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  • #499317


        Any idea when the store might get updated with photos? A lot of the forum members mentioned wanting rainbow laps for christmas and i’ve been dying to see a store photo of one since the store photos are usually better quality than home photos. This would help me decide if I want one or not 😀 And seeing the other items that are up with no photo would be nice also, I remeber this being mentioned a while ago and I just wanted to see where it was ranking on windstone’s list of one million things to do 😀 🙂


          I will bug the Powers That Be about photos…


            Rainbow Lap dragon now has a picture! 😀


              OMGOSH thank! I’m gunna go run and look at it now!


                I hope no one finds it confusing that I slipped the Rainbow Lap Dragon onto the front page even though she’s not Brand New – I thought there might be a lot of people who had wished to see a picture of it – and now that we have one she really wanted to show off!


                  Is there anything else that urgently needs a photo? What should I bug the camera man about next? (one at a time is easier to accomplish than a whole list… 8) )


                    Well….There is no pic of a gold old warrior, a gold rising spectral, a red fire rising spectral, and an emerald peacock emperor. Those were some that I could find were still in stock with no picture. 😀 Thanks for getting the lap pic up so fast, she sure is gorgeous and selling out more quickly now 😀 better save up


                    ahhh….Rainbow Lap ! She’s so pretty!!! *MUST resist temptation* I really want her now! >.< I have the rainbow fledgie and I just LOVE how deep those blue eyes are…


                      I’m kinda bummed. I’ve wanted the Lap in the Rainbow, but I simply can’t afford her right now. I’m afraid that I’ll miss getting her. *sigh*.


                        Now the Gold Old Warrior has a photo too!

                        Thank you to all who provided me with lists of the missing pictures – you have saved me a lot of work! :hi:


                          Also needing pictures are the regular Spectrals. Three of them are in stock but have no pictures. 🙁

                          Thanks to both Susie and Nicole for the Rainbow Lap picture; I have been checking the store for it for a long time. I see that six Rainbow Laps have been sold since the picture was posted yesterday and am reminded of that old saying about a picture is worth a thousand words….or in this case, a picture is worth sales, sales, sales! 🙂


                            In Stock pieces that need pictures:

                            Emperor Dragon – Emerald Peacock
                            Emperor Dragon – Red Fire
                            Rising Spectral Dragon – Gold
                            Rising Spectral Dragon – Red Fire
                            Scratching Dragon – Gold
                            Scratching Dragon – Red Fire
                            Spectral Dragon – Black Gold
                            Spectral Dragon – Emerald Peacock
                            Spectral Dragon – Gold


                              Just to let you know that I have pictures of these on my website. They may not be as pretty as John’s pictures, but you can get an idea of what they look like. The link to my site is in my signature.

                              pegasi1978 wrote:

                              In Stock pieces that need pictures:

                              Emperor Dragon – Emerald Peacock
                              Emperor Dragon – Red Fire
                              Rising Spectral Dragon – Gold
                              Rising Spectral Dragon – Red Fire
                              Scratching Dragon – Gold
                              Scratching Dragon – Red Fire
                              Spectral Dragon – Black Gold
                              Spectral Dragon – Emerald Peacock
                              Spectral Dragon – Gold


                                I’m not looking to buy any of the pieces I listed. I just thought I would make it easier for the folks at Windstone to know which in stock items were still missing pictures. I thought there would have been more, but the rest of the pieces missing pictures are out of stock pieces so I didn’t list those.

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