I was looking out the back door this evening and the sky looked so different than what I was used to seeing I took these pictures. It could have been caused by the 95 degree weather today which is unusual but I am not sure but I never seen the sky here look like this. I took these two pictures only minutes apart as the sun was setting. weird
Has anyone here ever observed this odd atmospheric phenomenon that occurs during the late summer sometimes? As the sun is beginning to go down, instead of everything turning kind of golden, everything goes ORANGE! It is the coolest! My mom and sister and I have always called it “Pumpkinoodle” 😈
Has anyone here ever observed this odd atmospheric phenomenon that occurs during the late summer sometimes? As the sun is beginning to go down, instead of everything turning kind of golden, everything goes ORANGE! It is the coolest! My mom and sister and I have always called it “Pumpkinoodle” 😈