Years and Colors and Stuff

Home Forums Windstone Editions General Windstone Years and Colors and Stuff

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    Hi all,

    Being new to Windstone in general I am wondering whether there is some kind of master list showing which sculptures were introduced in what year (and discontinued if ever), and what year colors were introduced and/or discontinued, things like that. I get in high collector mode where I want to get, say, every dragon that was available in 1999, or whatever, and I would love to see some kind of “History of Windstones” talking about each year and what went in or out of production that year. Is there such a thing?



      There is a list of retired stuff on this website, and Astral Castle dot com has an index of when certain sculpts and colors were retired, but im not sure there is a list of when a color was introduced. Brown, old green, and peacock are the oldest colors. White was retired before ruby and peacock was just retired last year. All the new colors, like red flame and black gold were just introduced within the last couple years. Welcome to the forums! 🙂


        Here’s the full link to the Windstone Editions Encyclopedia at Astral Castle. It only has the regular production pieces listed and not the limited pieces that were available through ebay or Windstone’s Store.


          These links might prove useful!

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