Melody wrote:
I’ve got a prize for the January 09 raffle!… but I haven’t got a picture of him yet.
He is an emperor dragon painted in Russet red.
This is a different red than the Ruby or Red Fire color. His color has a metallic luster to it and is slightly rosy-brown rather than candy apple red. He has red eyes and golden colored jewels.
He is pretty.
If you want to enter the raffle for “Rusty”, send me your forum name if you’ve been in these before and haven’t won, with the words January 09 raffle in the subject line so I don’t loose it.
If you haven’t entered a Windstone raffle before and would like to, email me with your real name and address, and your forum name with the words “January raffle 09” in the subject line so I don’t loose yours, either.
My email address is Reptangleâ„¢ (at) gmail (dot) com (If there is a tm in there don’t put it in.)
Rusty the raffle prize for January (with a ruby dragon)
Trying to show Rusty’s color accurately is impossible, so I photo’d him with a ruby dragon so you can see that it is a different red. He is a pleasant color; red, but a lustrous metallic red, not a deep candy apple red like the rubys. He is pretty. Monotone, but pretty.