
Silly critters/$5 commissions (New art Feb 3)

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      Edited: My new gallery setup moved all my images around, so the links don’t work anymore. 🙁 But the art is all still there, and tons and tons and tons more, here: http://www.sparkcostumes.com/artwork

      I haven’t drawn very much for years and years, but for some reason the other day I felt like drawing something, and I’d recently been looking at some “sparkledogs” which are… well, it’s really hard to explain, exactly, but they’ve basically furry characters that come in improbable colors, have lots of accessories, and tend towards Mary Sue life stories. I can’t take them seriously, but I love them anyhow. So I thought I’d do one of my own, and then somebody suggested another animal I should do in that style, and it just got out of control…

      (Images were here before they broke)

      Anyhow! I am taking commissions for these. 🙂 You can get an animal done in the “sparkle” style with all the silly additions, or I can do one that’s more realistic, or something fantasy and interesting like the leaf corgi, all kinds of options. $5 for black and white, $15 for digital color, $20 for real media color. Paypal, check, money order or cash accepted. I suppose I’d take trades too, but it’d take an awful lot of these things to equal any Windstones! 😀

      Thanks for looking!



        Eeeeee! Corgi! I love them, even though my fiancee thinks they’re ugly….. >.< Silly boys.

        And only $20 for one too…… gaaahhhhh…. not fair, I’m trying to cut back (think $300 – $400 since the beginning of January).


          Well, you can always just get a $5 one now, and have me color it later. 😀


            Those are funny. The placement of “carrot” in a list of animals made me laugh. I rather like the leaf Corgi.


              Those ae neat..very cool…I can’t wait to see some more… 😉



                Here’s a few more:

                Leech in color:

                (Just a really quick pencil color scribble, really.)

                Mammoth color experiment:

                (Not my best marker attempt.)

                Sparkle skunk:

                She’s so full of rainbows and happy that she sprays hearts and rainbow glitter, instead of stink. 😆

                Star-nosed mole:


                SPark wrote:

                Well, you can always just get a $5 one now, and have me color it later. 😀

                You’re mean. 😀


                  I’m perfectly innocent. *halo*


                    ROFL @ the spraying sparkles and rainbows skunk! 😆

                    SQUEAL!!! Ein CORGIS!!!!

                    Got a busted Windstone?
                    *OPEN for repairs*

                    *SEEKING GRAILS*
                    Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                    Siphlophis Male Dragon
                    Calypso Hatching Empress
                    Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                    Tattoo Mother Kirin
                    Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                    Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                    Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                    Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                    Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                    Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                      sparkles and rainbows *snork!*

                      twindragonsmum 😀



                        This isn’t really a sparkle critter, and I almost made another thread for this guy, but I spam the art area enough as it is, so he goes here. 🙂

                        Larger version here:

                        I did some experimental stuff with this, mostly in varying line weight. I’m pretty happy with how that worked. Also I put a TON more detail into this than I do into the $5 commissions. 😛 $5 buys you an hour of my time, and that’s a bargain. This thing took two or three hours at LEAST.

                        It’s a character of mine, who I haven’t named yet. He’s a kirjak, which is a muntjak-based kirin. Muntjak, if you don’t know, are fanged deer, so he’s a fanged unicorn deer. With wings, just because I like wings on things.

                        I tried to add scales to him a few times, several of the versions of him that other people have drawn for me have scales, and I like the look, but it ended up not looking so great on him when I tried. I may draw them in later on anyhow. We’ll see.

                        I references real animal photos for all of this. Mostly, of course, muntjak photos, but the tail actually came from a Saluki (breed of dog) the beard and mane came from a goat, and the wings were from a pigeon. I also used the wonderful wing tutorial posted by Nambroth over on Deviantart to help out the wings a little.


                        Nam has a wing tutorial on DeviantArt????????????

                        I must find this! *has severe difficulties with wings but keeps wanting to draw them*


                            Oh, almost forgot about this guy. Probably the silliest thing I’ve drawn yet.

                            Cthulhu, going out clubbing. 😀

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